Tuesday, March 29, 2011

singing and blogging

the tittle says it all! right now I'm singing the ballad of Mona Lisa by panic! at disco. it was the song of the week a couple of weeks ago. the only thing i can't nail is the really long "believe" at the end because i keep running out of breath. you know I'm gonna try it again :) school was boring. again. all we did was the boring things but then again almost everything about school is boring. the only good thing was lunch but then we had to go back to class :( damn! i still can't nail the "believe" rrrrrrr!!!! i hate that!!!! anyway i got some Vanessa amorosi music on so i should be able to sing that easy! hazardous is my favourite song she's made. i dunno why. d'ya wanna know something offensive? well once i was on YouTube and i was listening to music done by Aussies and some....ungh do you know much i wanna swear?....effing son of a...posted in the comments box "is this what Aussies call music?!" and "America's got better music". WHAT the HELL. like, seriously i don't mean it but if i was on YouTube or something and i posted "America's music suck" i know i sound like a jerk (by the way i didn't mean that) and i WOULDN'T post it. moving on, in the post that mentioned chocolate makes me sick i was thinking what i like and i decided that cheese and honey are my favourite foods. not together cuz that would be gross. well considering that there's like 5 different cheeses and 3 different types of honey in my kitchen i wouldn't be surprised. ^.^ yeah i have no idea why i typed that. bye!

PS this post took 2 hours to write cuz i had MAJOR interuptions

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