Tuesday, April 5, 2011

218 views!!!!!! WTF?!

yeah! over 200!!! yesterday i was in at about 195 and when i checked my stats TODAY it said page views yesterday: 22. WHAT THE HELL?! i was barely on for an hour and 22 views? I'm not trying to brag but that's a lot. anyway today i had school photos and I'm not one to worry about photos but the other girls were really nervous and tre kept asking me: "is my hair good?" man it was SO annoying because I've never been much of a girl. too crazy and too much like my dad. (swearing, love of music, skin shade, prone to accidents, short attention span) anyway when the guy took the photo it took 3 goes before he finally got a shot of everyone with their eyes OPEN not closed. pretty funny. and we were learning about mountains or something (see?) and the teacher said "nun attack" and me and (red necked) Olly took it the wrong way and started laughing like crazy. (later we found out it was some kind of formation) also I'm just wondering if that red mark on his neck's worn off....(i tried to strangle him from the neck and i think i might've pressed WAY too hard. that's where red necked Olly comes from) I'm seriously wondering what's the 22 page views thing is about cuz i have NO followers so far so...um yeah. anyways i leave you with a video that's effing hilarious! bye! (a dog trained to show off it's junk?)

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