Friday, May 27, 2011

the transformation from human to penguin in 3 easy steps

hahahahahahaha! if ya wanna know why I'm laughing well today i turned into a human penguin. well what actually happened was that i was playing touch footie on the oval and the oval's grass was really really muddy so as you can guess i slipped! at least 5 people came and asked if i was OK cuz i wasn't responding or getting up straight away but i was laughing so hard. a lot of people said it was funny but my friend Tre said when she asked if i was good i looked like whoa!! but basically really shocked. i actually couldn't feel my leg for a second because it was twisted really weird behind my back (did i mention i fell into a lying down position?) but i'm good now. OK i wanna describe the way i fell down. 1.lying down   2.arms over head   3.right leg sticking out   4.left leg bent under my back. anyways at least my mum wasn't pissed about my uniform being muddy just a little "couldn't this have been avoided somehow?" but most mums would've been pissed because my shoes were muddy my socks were muddy my pants were muddy and my jacket was muddy. but my mum's cool like that. anyways just before i wrap up this post i just wanna say a quick true fact: Aussies call that underwear thing that doesn't cover your butt g-strings and Americans call it thongs. but this is where it gets weird. Aussies call the shoe that doesn't cover the top of your foot thongs and Americans call it flip flops. yeah. think about it and see if you get it.    

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