Monday, September 26, 2011


you know how these days all of those "inspirational" songs are mainstream pop? well my favourite inspirational song is "Heaven Help Us" and god, it's too bloody awesome for words. my favourite part is near the end where they sing "and will you pray for me? or make a saint of me" but at the same time they sing "you don't know a thing about my sins. how the misery begins. you don't know so i'm burning, i'm burning" either that song or "The End." most of that song is done in acoustics so if i chose to i could play it on the ukulele. (which i have previously mentioned, i play because we have to for school. good practise for the guitar though) dammit "the end" will be stuck in my head for a week now... IF LIFE AIN'T JUST A JOKE THEN WHY ARE WE LAUGHING?! hahaha i bet i scared you all :) you now i found a CD i was looking for today! normally i look up and down for it but i wasn't even looking for it today but the thing that sucked is that i only had five bucks on me. one word: suckish. yeah and this comes a day after finding that comic i was looking for -_-" sometimes, fate really sucks. so anyway, speaking of that comic, i've read it 4 times already. and it has 132 pages minus the bonus material at the end and minus the fact that the pages are almost the size of an A4 sheet of paper. which makes it roughly...what? 150 pages? ...i'm running out of ideas for this post!!! in times of need, turn to alternative music...yeah that's where i get all my ideas from. lol. so anyway, last night i was singing "our lady of sorrows" and my mum kinda freaked out. well, remember how i just said "in times of need, turn to alternative music?"well i found one song that just almost made me cry. dammit i hate that -.- anyway it's ironic how i've gone from one song that just almost made me cry, to one that goes "Mama we all go to hell" gotta admit, you can't argue with that. in a way, we all go to a small personal hell and a small personal heaven. like this: my new class is often my own personal hell (although it has it's plus sides) and just singing in my room is my own personal heaven :D i just turned up the volume on this one song i'm listening to and i'm in my own personal heaven right now :) anyway here's a pic i drew. 
don't mind the writing it just says stuff like "name" "age" "power" and her life story. it's work in progress and i just do this to amuse myself. you know i've done this every holiday xD i really gotta keep track of them and make a story when i'm older. that'd be awesome. i never really knew i could draw 'till yesterday...hidden talent maybe? anyway i think i'll leave this post here ok? bye!!! 

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