Thursday, September 8, 2011

RIP Mike Pedicone's awesomeness: Nov. 2010 - Sep. 2011

the title says it all! anyway if you have no idea what i'm talking about too bad. and no, nobody died.
you know i think i might tell you anyway because my followers are gonna ask at school and i hate explaining with words. -.-
anyway, Mike Pedicone's a drummer for my favourite band, and apparently, he got caught stealing from the other band members. when i read that he did that i literally face-palmed myself. god, he had a good thing coming and he just completely blew it. you know i was just talking to my friend on MSN and she told me she heard the news on the news and i got kinda shocked. here's exactly what we said:

Sunflower Child says:

hey, wasn't someone in the band kicked out???? 

I say:

yeah you heard?
mike pedicone
their new drummer
for less than a year
he got caught stealing
from other members -.-
anyway how'd you know?

Sunflower Child says:

stupid move..

I say:


Sunflower Child says:

i found out on TV.

I say:

tell me
which channel? i never heard of mcr on tv
except the music

Sunflower Child says:

the news lmao

I say:


Sunflower Child says:


I say:

the real news like channel 7
or what?

Sunflower Child says:


I say:


Sunflower Child says:

it was like 5 seconds and then..."in other news.."

I say:


Sunflower Child says:

alrighty yeh i know. i was shocked because only an idiot would do that and found it funny cos it was so short.

I say:

so it was like: mcr's new drummer was caught stealing in the honda civic tour and the other memebers have dropped charges
in other news...
blah blah blah

Sunflower Child says:

yeh, short segment.
i laugh every time i read that conversation back
anyway moving on before anyone thinks i'm hating on the guy...
i have had a huge surge in views :D happy little me :) 25 views today alone! told you i could pull a big number like that in one day. but then again some people get thousands of views per post. anyway the conversation part of this post just made it go from big to small in a second so i might end it here ok? bye!

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