Saturday, September 3, 2011

sorry X10000

ok i know that i haven't been posting much but i don't really have much time anymore. it really sucks because lately i've been really sick on the inside (like that headache i had for 3 days) and even right now my stomach's not exactly agreeing with me for some reason.

anyway, enough with the complaining

i've been listening to a lot of music from that 2006 CD "The Black Parade" and with a name like that, it's obviously gonna have some marching band-like music. anyway i've had songs like "Mama", "Blood" and "Dead" (i've posted all of those songs except Mama) absolutely stuck in my brain for ages and i've noticed that at school i've been almost marching around and that probably made me look like some dumb-arse cheerleader for about a week now. it really sucks. you know, for some reason i like the live version of music more than the auto-tuned studio version so when i found "Mama" live in Mexico, i was like "hell yeah! no more auto-tune!" so i listened to it and my reaction was like "wow, i doubt they used auto-tuning in the studio version" it really sounded similar. so i decided to actually watch the clip and i absolutely DIED at 3:29. i dunno if i've ever mentioned this, but i'm a bit of a pyromaniac (somebody who's obsessed with fire) and when i saw the giant fireballs it was like going to heaven for me. plus the guy singing was screaming which kinda made it better for me since i love just yelling and screaming. which doesn't mean that i'd prefer to go to hell than heaven but if i do go to heaven i'm gonna have little (maybe 5) candles lit at all times. it's strange, you know my sis was in the room with me when i watched the vid but she was drawing and when she heard the screaming during the fireballs, she was like "hey, that guy sounds like you when YOU scream". i was kinda offended at first because i thought she meant like, scream in fear or something before i realised she was talking about all those times i yell out for no good reason. ahhhhhhhhhh! just watched it again and it never ceases to make me happy. i watched the crowd in the clip and there's gotta be about 10,000 people but the band isn't mainstream so it's kinda strange that they'd pull a crowd that big. plus with all the jumping the guy's doing i wouldn't be surprised if they just put springs in his shoes. for about the second time in my blogging life (which is less than a year) i've actually put a "label" on a post. this one. basically it's supposed to be "apology on absence" but this is more like talking about "Mama" live in Mexico. hahaha my brain's always going in different directions. watched the fire again. happy me :) ok, just to get off this topic, last night i went down to the harbour bridge at 10pm with my dad (don't ask. we just felt like it) and on the way there the light in the park made me remember all the times as a kid when i would've called those "pixie lights" or something. be a kid again: no school, innocent mind, just running around in the park not caring if the next pit bull was gonna maul you to death. wow that actually sounded peaceful 'till i mentioned the dog mauling. anyway just because i want to, i bring you the song that made me happy with fire: Mama live in Mexico. enjoy!
PS slip to 49 sec to skip the crap

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