Saturday, October 15, 2011

hopefully i can finish this post before i go...

ok so i have about a half hour to write this and i'm typing a little quick because in  half an hour i gotta go to singing lessons and they actually re-located so we have to leave early to 
  1. find the new place
  2. get there early
i hope the re-location means a bigger studio because the old place got really hot and stuffy when i was singing. is was so damn annoying. so not much to type about...wait! i just remembered that i changed the background. not that exciting but which do you prefer, the old one which was the graffiti or the new one which is the jelly beans? leave a comment blah blah i also got a timer that shows how long it is till new years (hence the name) and i think it's pretty cool. originally i thought it was a clock but then i realised it was a timer. ah well just keep counting the minutes. it's according to Sydney time by the way. also, speaking of Sydney, apparently it's been voted no.1 city in the world ahead of Paris and New York. YEAH!!! also do you know what jelly is made out of? if you love your jelly you might not want to read the PS at the bottom of the post. it will disgust you. BTW don't come to me for complaints, i learnt it from my friend who is one of those followers on the right *cough-Luma-cough* sorry but i have a bit of a cold so anything i sound like i'm saying in between the coughs is purely coincidental. ;) ok let's see what else i have to type about...hahaha any time i play my mum any (or most) of my favourite songs she says it just sounds like a whole heap of noise. well you gotta make some noise sometimes. i wanna head-bang to it but i'm afraid i might get another head ache and that would be annoying considering i've had a head-ache for about 2 - 3 days now. well i think i just heard the first cicada of spring so that's a good thing. wow i just realised most of my posts are just my insane ramblings. i really wonder how i got to 219 views last month. pretty cool how i got that much but...yeah. awhile back my favourite group on the X factor got eliminated and i was like O_O WHY?! audio vixen was awesome!!! i'll show you my fav song they sung:
 well gotta go! 
PS jelly is made out of crushed up animal bones

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