Monday, October 10, 2011

my trip to broken hill day 1

ok so the reason why i haven't been blogging lately is because i've been at Broken Hill for the last 5 days. all round, it was a 3000km trip and i was constantly tired. sorry if what i'm about to type doesn't make much sense, i didn't really keep a journal while we were there. 

well on the first day our goal was to go to Dubbo and when the radio station went dead on me i really started to freak. on the way there we crossed from city NSW to country NSW and we saw a few kangaroos and i think one emu.

we were travelling and stopping every 2 hours to stretch our legs and i made the stupid mistake of putting my fingers on my sis' window while it was down but she didn't know. in the end the wind pressure got to much for the window and she closed it on my fingers (in other words i got my fingers caught in the window -_-) it actually didn't hurt as much as i thought it would and i eventually got them out. my mum was like "oh crap are your fingers ok?!" and i was just laughing hysterically from the pain. after that there wasn't much to do but then when we got to Dubbo we had to find a hotel. easy enough but then we had to have dinner. we were gonna have a BBQ but it was getting dark so we just cooked the meat and had it in the hotel room. :P the next day we were planning to do the 800km to Broken Hill and we did! on the way there we saw around 30 emus a few kangaroos and wayyyyyyyyy more lizards. dad had to kinda swerve from side to side to avoid squishing any with the car. when we got to this one town, i asked my sis to check for any radio stations and there was one and they played 3 of my fav songs in a row
  • young blood by the naked and famous
  • SING by my chemical romance
  • planets by short stack
it was one hell of a radio station :D so anyway later on, we had to stop at a petrol station and we bought a few sausage rolls and just ate them while we were driving. we had to stop at this "fruit fly exclusion zone" which meant that we couldn't bring any fruit into the zone which sucked. after we got past the no fruit zone we had to stop for petrol (we'd been driving for 3 hours) and there were all these aboriginal people living there and it was kinda funny because aboriginals are rare in the city and a Migaloo (white fella) in the country is even rarer. this one little girl could not stop staring at me. (little girl: O_O me >_<) so anyway that just about wraps up the first part of my trip and the next two will be like this:
what i did while in the city
the trip home.
'till next time readers! enjoy the posts!

1 comment:

  1. kool so you ahd a good time there did you? LOL love the part when it said little girl O.O me >_< LOL that was funny
