Wednesday, November 9, 2011


OK so the CD i'm gonna be reviewing on this post is the new My Chemical Romance one (Danger Days: The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys) and as well as the music i'm gonna be reviewing some other stuff like
  • cover art
  • song meanings
  • Dr.D's T.R.A.N.S.M.I.S.S.I.O.N.S (i'll explain later)
so the whole "Killjoy" story is set in an almost futuristic 2019. the two video clips that they have done under the whole "killjoy" story is NaNaNa (+ about 9 more Na's) and SING. the video clips are both about how BL/ind is trying to rule the world, everyone's brainwashed except the Fabulous Killjoys (aka My Chemical Romance) and this little girl named "Missile Kid." (Grace Jeanette) for a bit more info about the storyline, click here. (i'm too lazy to type it out)

the main cover art is the iconic spider pic (which i have previously posted on my blog) with a desert background and altogether it actually looks really effective. it was designed by one of the band members and it was pretty funny because i originally thought that it was done by Gerard (the singer) because i heard something like he has a degree in the arts or whatever but it was actually one of the guitarists. (the same one who was too short to carry the coffin in the Helena video clip. aka Frank)

so far they've released 4 singles off the album, and just so this post doesn't get mega long, i might just do the meaning of those songs and then go to the T.R.A.N.S.M.I.S.S.I.O.N.S.

Na Na Na -
the first single to ever be released from D.D was Na Na Na and it never was intended to be a single but after using it in the "Art Is The Weapon" Danger Days teaser, everyone was like "oh god, make this a single." the result? Na Na Na had a video clip and was officially a single. basically the song is about how the whole world's trash these days and the line "drugs gimme drugs gimme drugs i don't need it but i'll sell whacha got, take the cash" is supposed to be like "give it to me even though i don't need i can just sell it and get money outta that" (i'm just thinking what it was like pitching the idea to the rest of the band considering that Gerard is an ex druggie).

this is the second single off this album and in terms of video clips, it's the second in the -hopefully- Killjoy trilogy. the song itself is about how you should use your voice even when people don't wanna hear what you have to say. the lyrics are pretty powerful even though there's no screaming or swearing. verse 3 is about how even though it might say free country, the government still pretty much rules you. the video is trying to show you how much freedom you have left by Grace representing your freedom but the almost scary part is that in the video clip she just barely gets away from the bad guys. oh wait, the bad guys represent the crappy rulers of a country. *cough-Julia Gillard-cough*

Planetary (GO!) -
when i heard that this was a single i was pretty excited because i thought it was another killjoy story kinda video clip but it's kinda like a live performance with random Japanese subtitles on and off. it's pretty cool and colourful but i might give this vid a 6/10. even though i'm not even rating the video clips! so anyway this was used in the GT5 (grand turismo five) game and i don't really know why but the song is getting a lot of kudos from gaming fans rather than music fans. ah well who cares? the song has a really nice feel to it and it's sorta dance-ish. a nice change from the black parade. the black parade is still awesome though. i really dunno what the song is about though. sorry!

The Only Hope For Me Is You -
yeah this is a single that has NEVER been played on the radio in OZ. i forgot when it was made a single but overall it IS a good song. it hasn't been made with a video clip. i'm seriously hoping that it's gonna be another killjoy one but you can never be so sure. you, know i heard that they've already made the video but they just haven't released it yet. GAHHHHH! WHY DO THEY TORTURE ME?! so anyway the song is about how this world's reduced to war and even though this random guy is having the best time of his life but he can't think of anything but the crap people don't care about in other countries caused by us. ALL of us.

ok so now that i've finished the singles i can finally get to the traffic report ;)

Dr Death Defying (often shortened to Dr.D) is the radio DJ that - in the word of the Fabulous Killjoys - informs all the killjoys in the zones what going on between the whole "Kill the killjoys/evil bald guy" thing. so far there have been 3 transmissions and they are "Look Alive Sunshine" "Jet-Star and the Kobra Kid Traffic Report" and "Goodnite Dr. Death". the first transmission is also the first track on the album basically saying in code that he's (Dr.D) is gonna give you up to the second reports on what's going on in the Zones. it wasn't that hard to decode because the lyrics are pretty simple: "Look alive sunshine, 1 oh 9 in the sky but the pigs won't quit, you're here with me Dr Death Defy. i'll be you surgeon, your proctor, your helicopter, pumpin' out the slaught-O-matic (slaught O matic = radio) sounds to keep you live. a system failure for the masses (AKA BL/ind.) anti matter for the master plan. louder than God's revolver and twice as shiny. this one's for all you rock 'n rollers, all you crash queens and motor babies: LISTEN UP!" - that was the easiest code ever. the traffic report is basically saying that 2 of the characters in the story got killed (for about the 3rd time >_>. i really need to count how many times they die) and it ends with saying "Now with the traffic report." then it just goes straight to the song "Party Poison" (also the name of one of the Fabulous Killjoys) and finally before i post this, "Goodnite Dr. Death." this one, - again in code - is saying that BL/ind. has found out where Dr.D is sending the TRANSMISSIONS from and he needs to go into hiding. the reason why all of the reports are in code is because i guess they wanted the whole thing to be as real as possible so if BL/ind  were trying to tap into the radio, they wouldn't understand the messages that Steve was giving. (wait, did i already say that Dr. Death was played by Steve Righ...?/Monanto? yeah his stage name - he's in his own band - is Steve Righ? but his real last name is Monanto. i like Monanto better though) so after that there's a pause and then the American national anthem starts.

ok i'm finally done and originally this took me 3 days to write but i had a ton of homework to do - i still have a lot - and i just did finishing touches, plus i was too lazy to finish it. bye! and sorry i haven't been posting lately! BLAME THE HOMEWORK!!! and my teacher -_-


    BOOOOOOOORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i didn't really read it but whatev ITS FAR TOOO LONG!!!!!!

  2. OMG! SO GLAD I FOUND THIS! lol im reading what i said in my other comment. this is HILARIOUS!
