Tuesday, November 15, 2011

this has nothing to do with music but...

OK my friend (she wants to be referred to as "Jenny-Pot") drew what i think is an awesome picture and i promised her that if she gave me her book to scan the pic, i would post it on my blog. here it is:

i asked her what the pic was about and she said that it was about a boy named Laurence and a girl named Annabelle (can you see the Annabelle? she's hiding on the right side of Laurence) who's mother died and their father abandoned them, but one day this one guy wants to kill their father but of course he's not there so the guy tries to kill the two of them. in the picture Laurence is all beaten up because he's protecting Annabelle from the bad guy. he's saying:
"my father's debts
should be paid by himself
however if you are still going to
try to kill/hurt my little sister 
i will protect her no matter 
what. i am her brother
after all...."
i like it. bye!


  1. OMG that's so cool! i love it! Sorry i haven't been commenting lately. my dad had this weird thing and it wouldn't let me go to your blog. Hows your Ankle? Mines all better. also i love your explanation on the sing thing. after i read it i realised how true it was! Its amazing! When said our parents act all embarrassed and try and shut us up i realised the other day i was at the shops and my mum was talking to her friend who's daughters dance. she said something bout her daughter catching the train on her own to Sydney! (She lives in the mountains) but i said if all the girls are going to go there can't you just move and my mum tried to shut me up so i went and bought an offspring shirt. :) Also i don't want to sound like a stalker but I've always wondered this what year are you in? I'm in year 7.
