Wednesday, February 8, 2012

oh F, i really need to post more often :/

ok so i'm talking a day off school because this morning i woke up with my left knee in EXCRUCIATING pain. it was really bad. so all morning i practised a whole heap of guitar, drew up some kind of weird murderous comic because the little doll came to visit me again (screw you miss dolly) and i think i'm slowly loosing my mind. i need to go in for a bone scan on that knee i hope on Friday because an X-ray showed up something on my bone. well, that ticks off no.3 on my medical bucket list. (ultra sound for my arm and 4 X-rays in various places were some of the others.) oh i found this animation ages ago for the song Blood and i really don't recall posting it. wanna see it? click here. anyway, the fist time i saw that i pretty much died because i HATE needles. wanna know why? i stared at the doctor that was taking my blood for a blood test (again, medical bucket list) and needles now just scare the crap out of me. lol listen to this guy doing a cover of the song blood: blood cover. he has this weird almost Bieber haircut but he sounds hilarious - in a good way - when he sings. geez....whenever i'm supposed to be doing something, why do i search up covers for hilarious songs? anyway there's writing all over my hands arms and knuckles and i look like a weirdo ^_^ 

so anyway, Madonna is apparently touring OZ next year and i'm not a fan but i don't hate her either. Madonna fans are gonna go nuts for this XD

what.....there was an ad before the song i was gonna listen to with two guys in bee suits and one was dancing O_o <-- *blown mind*   i was reading the comic "I feel Sick" yesterday and i'm just thinking that i need to go to the comic book shop in Darling Harbour. but i live ages away from there so my mum would be like "Nooooooooo you are not going in there it's dirty!" or something. from the outside it didn't really look like the cleanest place in the world but i peeked inside and it was actually quite tidy. so....yeah. 

dammit on to the topic of comics, Daredevil is my favourite favourite FAVORITEST  (is that even a word?) comic in the world because it's awesome :) 52 was cool as well and it had huge stories within stories and The Umbrella Academy (even though Dallas is on the more gorey side and i normally don't like that stuff) is pure awesomeness as well :D just wondering what the next one is gonna be like. (apparently it's gonna be called Hotel Oblivion which sounds pretty freaking cool.)  so anyway i really need to do that stupid parliament/law whatever homework so i now leave you......naw think i'm gonna paint my nails to freak my friend Tre out THEN do homework 

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