Sunday, April 8, 2012

wow, i am so behind on what's going on in the MCRmy

ok definition to people who don't know what MCRmy means

MCRmy (pronounc. em-see-army) = fanbase to a band called My Chemical Romance. had huge success with 3rd album The Black Parade. 

anyway, i was chatting with my friend Tre yesterday on the phone and i decided to go to the MCR website to see what was happening on Zone 6. (zone 6 is a spot on the website where fans who have an account can blog.) a whole heap of people were like "ohhh congratulations Frank and Jamia" (one of the guitarists and his wife) and in my head i was thinking "what happened? did their daughters go off to pre-school or something?" and i scrolled down a bit, read someone's post and found out that Jamia gave birth to a little boy named Miles. apparently, Frank was counting down to something on his Twitter over 13 days but nobody knew what it was for. they sure as hell know now. i didn't know because i'm not creepy enough to stalk their Twitters or Facebook pages. but anyway, congrats to them, they're all in my prayers so that Miles can grow up healthy and not have a weird mental problem because that, as you all know, is bad. 

woah, i was browsing youtube and i found this fan made vid for the song Bulletproof Heart and i think it's awesome as hell:
watch it. it's cool to see how the astronaut progresses. 

so anyway about 2 weeks ago, one of Australia's most popular and well-known bands broke up. dammit JET why did you have to break up? anyway, in tribute, here's a song we all should know: 

ok last thing before i go, there's this Dubstep artist called Skrillex and i've known about his music about 6 months before he went mainstream and they played a whole heap of his music last night (it was awesome) and my mum asked who the artist was and while i was loading up a pic of Skrillex on Google for her to see his awesome, but slightly retarded haircut i found this pic of Skrillex from 8 years ago when he was like....16 or 17 and he looks completely different to the point of, if he asked you what the time was on the street, you'd be so intimidated by him you'd run away. (or at least, that's what my friend Pisso said. wow that whole paragraph is a sentence O___O)
 anyway, i hope you enjoyed reading this piece of crap writing because i sure had fun writing it :D 

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