Monday, June 11, 2012

eesh....just some stuff (because i don't think i ever mentioned this)

first off, my current 10 favourite songs (in no particular order):
  1. Bury me in Black - My Chemical Romance
  2. Lost in Paradise -  Evanescence 
  3. Diary of Jane - Breaking Benjamin 
  4. Today / Bullet with Butterfly Wings - The Smashing Pumpkins 
  5. This is Halloween - Cast of The nightmare before Christmas 
  6. The Greatest Show Unearthed - Creature Feature 
  7. Numb - Linkin Park 
  8. Holiday - Green Day 
  9. Stay Awake - My Chemical Romance 
  10. Kill All your Friends 
most of them are predictable but hey, it's all good music to me. hahaha.....i spaced out again. remember in my last post i mentioned that blog with the cool Killjoy stories? i'm reading it again. it takes up a lot of my time but hey, the only other thing i have to do is homework and that ain't important. some parts get me so confused that i need to read the whole thing to understand what it's supposed to mean, but then again, i only started reading at chapter.....23? i think so. that basically means that i have almost 0 idea of what the storyline is meant to be but...meh, i don't care. it's well-written but my teacher would probably call it "Bad Literature." i think.....i think i just lost myself for 10 minutes reading that stuff. shows what obsession can do to a person :) 

moving on before i start screaming "KILL THOSE FUCKING DRACS!!!! GO GO GO!!" to the computer screen, last night was one of those nights where my eyes tuned themselves out and i ended up seeing a whole bunch of stuff that apparently my sister couldn't see. sucks when that happens. but then again, i'm not a psychic so any thoughts on what might be happening? eesh doesn't matter.

i swear a half hour ago it was darker than it is now, and it's around 20min to 5 in the afternoon. did anyone see the Transit of Venus on Wednesday? i did and it was alright. but on an unrelated note, i really wanna go see the movie The Avengers but my mum is a bit paranoid about the whole "dark movie theatre" thing because she thinks there could be creepy pedo old guys in there and she keeps telling me that i need to go with a friend BUT none of my friends would probably be interested in seeing the incredible hulk beat the living crap out of the bad guy. or something like that. whoa that was a long sentence. oh well, enjoy this post and i now need to go tweak my blog stuff up a bit. 

^in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse, please give me your home address so i can come eat your brains out before someone else does. thank you!^ 

*gnaws on hands* 


  1. luv da new bg :) hahahaah thought of a mindless goat... how bout thoughts of a mindless chihuahua? jks jks :D the last time i asked you what you thought of los in paradise you said ot me "it's ok. the change is better" ahhha kris went to noosha's sister's (neila) bday party and saw the movie the avengers. she said it's good... im considering watching it... hahahaha lol creepy pedo guys. good one :D finally got some feathery earrings ;) yaaaaaaaay :) plus i bought angie's prezzie. i dont think she'll look at the comments so.... i got her this string of mini lanterns from typo. i think she'll like it. but she'll LOVE preloved. i said to her "hey, angie! i know what SV gave you!" and she was like "TELL ME! TELL ME! TELL ME!" it was funny :) and im not gonna tell you where i live... just incase one of those "creepy pedo guys" reads the comments lol :) whoa.... longest comment ive done here in a long time. most of it's full of crap so im gonna say bye here. bye :) hehehehe

  2. i liked the avengers...kinda cliche, but that's how it is with all superhero movies. loki, hawkeye, and iron man were my faves haha.
