Wednesday, July 25, 2012

not many page views this month on account of my laziness

oh well i can't force people to read my crappy blog. at least my friend does book reviews and stuff. for that "dressing up as a notable person" thing i mentioned in my last post, i get to dress up as Stan Lee :D freaking psyched about that because to "get a better understanding of my notable's work" i will need to read lots and lots of comics. both DC and Marvel :) he worked with both. so......i really wanna go to the library right now and pick something up *unhappy face because i know i can't* 

oh well.

another thing i'd like to say is that i found this really awesome band on youtube called Chiodos and they are REALLY good. sorta like Panic! At The Disco meets Breaking Benjamin if that's possible. they've had a few different singers over the years and i haven't listened to everything so i can't say what's good or not. i think that there's no point in liking a band if you're gonna rush through all their music in one go because then you don't take the time to soak it up and really ask yourself whether you like the music or not. *later edit* you know i heard some of the music from Chiodos with their other singer, and i have to say, not bad. even though it sounds like a whole different band, i still like it.  

other than that, i also bought "Lies for the Liars" by The Used for only $8 the other day :D it's a really good CD but i haven't had much time to play it lately on account of practising guitar and stuff. (which reminds me, i need to go tune my guitar down a half step or it'll sound weird when i go practise.) today we went to this museum place and we got to see these Egyptian mummies but my friend Jenny freaked out a little (no, wait, actually, she freaked out a LOT.) she ended up holding my hand (and crushing it slightly in the process) for a combined time of five minutes, which, personally, i don't mind because she has warm hands and my hands are always freezing cold. bonus.....for me. 

all i can think of now is "Every inch of sanity, all i'm asking for is. all i'm asking for is" and "Vigilantes warnin' ya. calling Christian and Gloria" basically, i have a Green Day song and a My Chemical Romance song stuck in my head so....YIPPEE! oh wow. spell-check didn't underline yippee. interesting. me has a headache. sorry need to go *Escapes to Fangoria* 

1 comment:

  1. Ah Chiodos. They are really cool haha. "Love is a Cat from Hell" sounds like it has the singer from Pierce the Veil in it.
