Thursday, April 14, 2011

wow it's 2.50pm and i still feel like i'm getting outta bed

yeah you know how when you come outta bed you just stretch and stretch till the sleep comes out? I'm STILL stretching. anyway i have taken a walk. to get lunch at my fav place :)  anyway it was just fish 'n chips but my local one was in the top 10 in the state so....WHAM! anyways i don't have much to say so if this is a short blog post i might end it with something like a video. anyways yesterday i went to the park to see how fast i could ride my scooter -to bad i don't have a speedometer on the thing.- and let me say 3 things: there was a whole pile of dog crap and grass clippings smashed together that really stank every time you passed it, after about 5min of riding a speed about -hmmmm....OK let's just say really really fast- your leg will probably choose to dislocate itself  from pushing every 2sec, and people were staring at me because i probably looked like a dude (dark purple t-shirt, grey army-style shorts* and a black cap with headphones in my ears. *note i did'nt type mini shorts) but i don't get why most girls choose to wear crappy, mini everything clothes that make them look like whores. a t.shirt and pants, maybe the occasional black skirt, are good with me but seriously that's all you really need. i really hate the fact that people think lesser of girls and women. (i will post a video at the end to sorta support my case. mostly just for the laughs) here's 2 examples:
my mum think women can't go into Bear Grylls (the dude from man vs wild) style wilderness and my friend thinks women can't be werewolves.(technically she said we were the victims) well EXCUSE me Tre, why do you call ME a werewolf?! ok now i feel a little mad from ranting so i'll just post the video i promised and laugh =) enjoy!
**warning if you are a dude and feel pain at the sight of anyone getting hit in the nuts do NOT watch this clip!**

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