Saturday, June 11, 2011

thanks! + a small victory + 3 day weekend!!!!

OK I just checked my stats and 1st of all I'm 2 page views away from half a thousand page views and second of all I wanna say thanks to everybody who reads my blog but a mega huge thanks to Denmark because of all the 498 views Denmark makes up 150 of them followed by OZ with 149 views. anyway I don't know exactly how many Dains can read my blog cuz last time I checked you can't translate my blog to Danish but hey thanks!!

anyway to the small victory. remember I mentioned at my school we do sports every Friday and for sports i do yoga? well i FINALLY figured out how to do the bend over backwards thing. i can't do it very well but I'm gonna practise a lot to get it right. it's actually quite easy but i can't really explain how to do it so I'm not gonna bother. it's kinda fun to do it when you get used to the fact that you often mess up your shoulder a bit.

and lastly to the 3 day weekend explanation. normally there's only 2 days weekend but it's Queen Elizabeth's B-day on Monday so over in OZ queen's b-day's a public holiday. that is obviously a good thing because that means more sleep ins for all the people who DO sleep well. unlike me. i SUCK at sleeping and I'm not exaggerating. i wake up about 2 times a night, take ages to fall asleep and wake up too early for my own good
well there's my post of the day. bye!       

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