Friday, July 22, 2011

are you afraid of the dark?

also called nyctophobia, this is the strongest internal fear of the dark a person can have

ok minus the whole encyclopaedia meaning i just gave you, there is MASSIVE amounts of rain coming from the sky. 2nd driest country on earth my ass, it's freezing!!! so lately (don't judge me) I've been trying to get as cold as possible by letting all my warm breath out. don't ask but it actually makes me feel warm. strange i know. and on to another topic, today after school one of my friends (Tre) was going on and on about how she doesn't know the name of the people who sing the song planetary go and then she said "oh i remember one....Kiki!!" which gave me my first initial reaction: "*face palm* I've told you a million times there is NO ONE in the band named Kiki" which made her say "kiwi" and kiwi at my school is code for something i'm not gonna mention on this post.....anyway why did i come on blogger? but just out of interest my friend mentioned me on her blog and the described me a s a "super girl" i know that's a complement but...what IS a super girl? i know the person who said that is reading this and can you tell me whacha mean by that anyway till next time ...bye!

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