Saturday, July 30, 2011

into my arms into the sea....

again i was too lazy to think up a title so i just wrote whatever part of the song i was up to. I'm lazy like that. anyway for the last 2 days I've been absent from school because I've been sick and frankly I'm kinda sad i missed school yesterday. i called my friend yesterday afternoon, and she told me that somebody in my class got punched in the face. dunno if that's true because she's not the most reliable source but if that's true i'm sad i missed the action but i'm not sad i missed the lecture. unless it's coming on Monday than yikes! also what i call the end-of-month-surge-in-views happened again. basically it's like this: i don't have a lot of views for the whole month then BAM! i get about 11+ views in one day. you know what, as i'm typing i'm probably getting more views. so....a few days ago, i was searching up some of my favourite songs on the violin and all of them sucked. sorry but it's true. then i found one that sounded exactly like the song! i'm gonna post it so i don't need to type a conclusion and i hope you like it. enjoy!

famous last words - violin cover

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