Tuesday, August 2, 2011

100th post!

OK this is officially my 100th post on my blog! dunno why I'm using the exclamation mark so much...anyway does anyone know how to upload audio? i can do an awesome cover of disenchanted by My Chemical Romance and i can't be stuffed to make a video or make a YouTube account so....help? on another note, I've started knitting...again. unlike the first try, I'm actually doing pretty good so far but i have one rule: NEVER knit when you're pissed off. chances are you're gonna get really mad and screw up your work. it's happened to me about seven times already. it's really annoying because I'm learning from a book so it doesn't say how to correct stuff or anything, it just shows how to do the stuff. you know in the newspaper they're giving away some kinda "Harry Potter ultimate collector's pack" and one of my friends is obsessed with H.P and she's collecting that stuff and she was talking about it non-stop over the phone not to long ago. god, it was annoying...so back to whatever, I'm listening to this song called safe and sound by Kyosuke Himuro (i think you pronounce the name like this: kie-oos-kay he-moo-row) and no, it's not in Japanese but it's a really good song :) but i'm too lazy to post it at the end so search it up yourself. i kinda got nothing to say except.... PAWNED! - to my friend who's reading this - Tre, i just borrowed mortal coil from the library. i beat you!

you know i change my mind.

safe and sound - Kyosuke Himuro feat. Gerard Way (i didn't know there were 2 people singing this song till i posted it. :l strange cuz i normally know a lot about music)

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