Saturday, November 19, 2011

well THAT was a strange music-related dream...+ slightly emo thoughts

yeah don't ask too many questions, but last night (possibly this morning) i had this weird dream where i met Jarred Leto (the 30 Seconds To Mars singer) and for some reason he was signing autographs at my school. erm....i think there's something wrong with my head...

so moving on, most of my friends are having mid-life crisis's and it really pisses (yes Luma, i know that swearing is bad but...) me off. whole lunches of "private talks" and dissing people who's lives are so hard. i don't know how they can sleep at night because i certainly can't. (insomnia from hate, arguments and screaming.) you know the stuff they private talk about isn't even private: just stupid. right now I'm just trying to live with it. in my singing lessons, i just sing so hard that when the half hour session is over, I'm exhausted. they over-react over weird things like waiting a week for a music video (GG) not shut-ing up going to china in like a YEAR (Mel), talking wayyyy to much about how the music i like "sucks" (Luma), doing really wrong body gestures (Nish) and thinking she's terrible at everything and fat (Tre). i admit that i'm no little miss perfect because i consider myself an emo, (a damn happy one at that) but still. if you got all the complaints that came out of my mouth, i'd be the size of a squash ball.

emo thoughts time! hahaha! ok so i can kinda understand why emos cut themselves. it's happened to me MANY times. sure i do it by accident but on one hand it actually feels sort of nice. but then common sense grabs you, and you run for some medicine and a band-aid. i have eczema and when i was little, i used to have this really bad rash on my wrist and i had what my mum calls "knife nails" back then. i used to scratch that rash and i'd end up cutting the vein on my wrist. *shudder* there was BLOOD ON MY HANDS.

sorry about all the negativity in this post. i love my friends i really do, but lately they're forgetting to appreciate life and that really makes me mad.  


  1. ok... creeped out now.... *backs away*

  2. Hey DW bout it! MY friends go one about glee and face book and it pisses me off and i go one bout my music and it pisses them off so we just agreed not to talk about that stuff round each other. it will be all ok soon!
