Monday, December 26, 2011

confessions of a guitar-a-holic

yeah i'm not gonna lie, guitar is pretty fun. so is singing! 

a lot of my friends can play musical instruments and so far i know: 2 drummers, 2 acoustic guitar players, 1 electric guitarist, a sax player (she also knows flute), more than 5 pianists and a keyboardist (who also plays the drums). yeah, that's one hell of a musical circle. and sometimes i don't even know if they play anything and when i ask they're like " 'course i do!!" wait, i also know 2 violinists*. and i think the second drummer knows something else but i forgot what he plays. dammit, i don't know a bass player :( whatever.  (*ha ha! Cassidy i'm looking at YOU!) 

so anyway i started guitar about 3-4 weeks ago and so far i've picked up a lot. it's really fun but on two occasions i have cut my fingers pretty badly during tune-ups. it was actually pretty funny because i was like "AWW HELL dammit i cut my fingers again!." the problem is that my blood is pretty runny so the little blood thingies were like "let's go guys we're FREE!!!" and also, i have a fear of needles and/or blood. i don't know why Luma (one of my friends and followers) wants to be a doctor. 

anyway, back on topic, i practise everyday and i've managed to memorise 4 songs, 3 of which are tabs so i feel proud :) i used to SUCK at tabs but when i finally figured it out, i pretty much got stuck into it. i also own a ukulele, a big Greg Bennett design acoustic guitar and an electric Fender Squire Bullet Strat. me likie de guitars!!! it's funny because yesterday i was adapting a guitar song to the ukulele and it worked! i was so happy because i play the uke better than guitar (ukulele: it's easier.) 

so anyway, this morning i was practising guitar, as always, (by the end of May next year i want to be able to  play a slightly complicated song called "Thank You For The Venom" which i will post at the bottom) and i was actually practising Thank You For The Venom but i cut my fingers open -_- yeah it hurt and i kept playing because i finally figured out the tune. i was chatting with my friend over G-chat while that was happening.

so anyway, my dad wants me to be some sort of pro guitarist and - dammit i should've clicked that - he wants to send me to classes i think. it's fine as long as my teacher's nice. but i pretty much want the lessons to be done at the HUGE music shop 5 minutes away. i've met the staff and they are all so awesome!!! also it'd be easy to get there on time because the roads are pretty much empty and there's 3 huge car-parks around the area. so anyway i think this post is getting kinda long, plus i need to go wash the dishes in 5 minutes so, as promised, here is Thank You For The Venom:


  1. :) dude why don't u come and comment on MY blog :)
    which one's betta? singing or guitar?

  2. being able to play music is like the funnest thing ever XD
    rock on girl!!! \m/(^_^)
