Friday, December 9, 2011

Dear Skye and Dear Sarah

first i'll start of with Skye:

Dear Skye, 
like me, you were a girl with her whole life ahead of her. like me, you liked My Chemical Romance. here's where the difference starts: you got beaten to death because you liked My Chem. i can't imagine who would do something like that, and knowing that one of my fellow killjoys got dusted and fully exterminated....i seriously can't put into words how numb i am actually writing this. i never knew you and i never will but i feel that we could've been friends and smiled. just smiled and laughed. i would've played my guitar and i don't care if you didn't like your voice, you could've sang along and we'd do this until we saw blue and red lights with the alarm ringing in our ears. you never were emo and you didn't deserve to go in such a terrible way. i hope that your killers got the chair but i doubt you'd want that to happen. i don't know where these words are coming from but i feel as though my sister has just died. we're a community and although my friends will never understand this, i know that you're happy. i WILL sing it for you. i don't care, but i'm gonna go out into the streets with Bullets (my guitar) and sing it out for you until the whole world knows that we can stop these terrible people from doing what they did to you, to anyone else. rest in peace and i will see you in heaven. - Sound

this has to be written and i will explain why at the end. i need to tell Sarah something now.

Dear Sarah,
like i said with Skye, i never knew you but the whole army has been shattered with the news of your fall. we all try to avoid stuff like this happening but unfortunately people push us too hard and we end up dying from self-murder. Glee doesn't know squat about what the song SING is about and they don't care about us. artificial robots. you sang it perfectly and knew how to pull through. you were young and helpless and i want you back. ZONE 6 misses you and like it says in the zones, "we're all a big family." that is so true. i know that up there in the sky, you can listen to all the music you want and do whatever you want to do without feeling bad about it. i don't know who you were and for all i know i could've passed you on the street when i was in America (if you lived there) and not known what was gonna happen in a little over a year. i'm so sorry. i wish i was the one that saved you but i never knew and in your honour i will learn, then dedicate the song Bulletproof Heart to you. gravity doesn't mean a lot to you anymore because now that you have sprouted your wings, you can defy it. you are who you've got to be and those pigs will never be after you ever again. your magazine was full of ugly things but now it's been cleaned up using your life. may heaven help us all and rest in peace. - Sound

ok, so i was browsing You Tube the day i was sick and i saw this one comment explaining what happened.

one day, a 15 year old named Skye was walking home from her friend's home to hers which was only a 5 minute walk. she never came home. some jerks saw that she was wearing an MCR T-shirt and then, just for wearing the Tee, they bashed her to death. i don't think that the killers were jailed. she was a member of the MCR-my (pronounced: em-see-army)

like most suicides, the reason of committing it was from bullying. poor Sarah was no different. she liked MCR but the idiots at her school considered her an emo for that and bullied her too hard, causing her to commit suicide. it's so common amongst fans and former fans (former as in deceased) to feel pressured from bullying for listening to My Chemical Romance. she was only 17.

i hope their souls rest peacefully whether they were Muslim, Catholic, Protestant, Christian or a Buddhist. they both didn't deserve to die and right now, #SINGitforSarah and #SINGitforSkye  are trending on the social networks and Monday December 12 is international STOP THE HATE day. basically, you have to write STOP THE HATE wherever you want on your clothing or your body. tomorrow i'm gonna have that written on both my palms and the tops of my hands as well as circling my wrists. that equals 6 STOP THE HATE's. i feel so sad at the Army's loss. *sighs* ah well......bye     ~Sound


  1. i love my chemical romance and to hear a fellow (or two) killjoys have died cause of this is tradjic. i have sandy bl;ond hair wear skinny jeans and in maths sit in the corner. but am surpriseingly loud. i get called emo by lads all the time. i just give em the finger or punch them. highly suggest not following my ways. RIP Skye and sarah.

  2. hey sound i'm really really sorry but i cant talk for long. ive got to go to singing clas. :/

  3. hey! sorry im late! i was listening to green day and lost track of time. so what you wanna talk about?

  4. thats cool! so what you want to talk bout?

  5. hey ive got to go but ill be back in 10 k? but good idea!

  6. i'm back! was that person tre? i'm not stalking i justr remeber her saying something bout her.

  7. ohk. i'm guessing she was crying cause she went to malaysia?
