Sunday, December 4, 2011

ugh.....absence. i HATE it

so anyway i haven't been poking my head around your reading lists lately and it really bugs me. i practically create a whole post in my head and i don't even bother saving it in a draft, let alone actually TYPING it out. so anyway, yesterday was the day we all go do grocery shopping and while i chucked in a tub of 2 minute noodles to eat while watching my favourite TV show, (Merlin) i saw that they were running a promotional contest thingy for you to go to Comic-Con 2012 in San Diego and the first thing that popped into my head was "Hotel Oblivion."  PLEASE RELEASE IT NEXT YEAR AT COMIC-CON SO MY MUM CAN BUY IT FOR A BIRTHDAY PRESENT AND WHEN I OPEN IT MY HEAD CAN EXPLODE AND LUMA CAN BE HAPPY THAT I'M DEAD! PLEASSEEEEEEEEE!. hahaha you probably have no idea what i'm talking about so i'll leave you to find out. 

so anyway before i get all music-y on you, my class is doing "Secret Santa" or "Chris Cringle" (whichever one you like better) and i got this guy who isn't necessarily one of my guy friends which sucked. it sucked because i don't know what he likes. if i got Frank Why? (i have like, 3 Franks in my class. it's funny when you randomly yell "Frank" and they all turn around. ^_^ i've done it before and also Frank Why? is his nickname.) i could've tracked down one of the "Hellboy" comics because i know he likes them but that would've been hellish because there are NO comic book stores in Australia. so anyway i ended up buying him a small blue pencil case and a packet of 4 mechanical pencils. kinda lame but the teacher said "Don't spend over $10" so i couldn't buy him anything better. (well i could've but i don't know anything about the guy.) 

so anyway getting musical on your asses, i don't know what i'm gonna do when i get really good at guitar but i have a feeling i'm gonna get an electric one. which doesn't mean......whoa creepy. i'm just listening to this song called "Cemetery Drive" and there's this part where they sing "Way Down Way Down Way Down..." ect ect ect, and as soon as that part started, the sun got brighter and when it ended it started getting dimmer. so getting back on track, i dunno what i'm gonna do but i might get an electric one. that doesn't mean the acoustic's going in the bin. which reminds me i need to practise more...umm...thinking back, i think if i can find the hole thingy and plug it into an amp, my acoustic doubles as an electric. it has this thing where it tells you if the guitar is in tune and when you look inside there's all these wires and there's this sort of control panel where it says "Bass" "Treble" and i think 2 other things but i can't remember. so anyway if i manage to convince my mum to buy me an electric or i get enough money, i might start off with a Fender Bullet Strat. (Fender being the brand and Bullet Strat being the type.) apparently it's durable, makes a good sound and is ideal for beginners. and it's cheap compared to some of the other types out there. the only bad thing is that, according to all the reviews i've read, it comes out of tune after 45min which is fine with me. it's not like i actually do gigs. ahhhh~~~~i love this guitar, so to make sure i get it faster, i'm gonna practise so hard i cut my fingers on the B and E string. gee...they hurt when you play for the first time! so anyway right now, i'm learning to play guitar on an acoustic (it's a Greg Bennett design) and yeah...gonna go now cuz i need to go do homework!!! bye!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sound


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