Monday, January 23, 2012

damn the smell of charcoal popcorn is still around...

so anyway i just read a blogger update from my friend GG and i just gotta say something: where the HELL did you get that much make-up?! and WHY do you need mascara? i don't even have a dress let alone all the stuff you ha-DAMN!!! thank you memory for reminding me that i need to wear a stupid dress to Diego's wedding  (Memory: *faint* you're welcome!) T_T well, i got cut out lucky because my friend Jake is a bridesmaid. *sighs happily* the face i got when i mentioned that last week when we met up at Darling Harbour. priceless. almost ready to chase me through the city with a knife. :) 

ok so getting out of my mid-life crisis for awhile, i like cheese. 

KIDDING! i do like cheese but that's not what i meant. on Saturday i was flicking through the music channels and Channel [V] had that "V 4 me" thing up (where you click the red button on your remote and then 4 extra channels come up) and guess what i saw in the section "The [V]ault"? i'll give you a hint: skeletons. ok that was a TERRIBLE hint but anyway, Welcome To The Black Parade was on and it really shocked me because one of the reporters *cough-Danny-cough* HATES My Chem. i mean really  hates them. although i think when they came to OZ in 2006 or 07 (can't remember) he had to interview them. also, - on an unrelated note - my singing coach saw them live that year, and i saw some footage from the 06 - 07 BDO and it's a wonder she didn't get trampled O_O there were a LOT of people crowded in that box-thingy. (can somebody please tell me what it's called when you get the crap tickets to a concert and you have to stand up?) 

anyway i was browsing through You Tube (again) looking for really good MCR guitar covers and i found 3 that really stood out for me. take a listen:

thank you for the venom (this guy's pro)

Na Na Na (she put a tutorial on how to play the song an i learnt it ^_^)

and this kid probably once broke his arm or something for playing too hard (Seriously, the guy jumps of his couch 3 times -i think- and if he misjudged the jump there is a possibility of fracture. i should know it happened to me once. ^_^) 

Honey This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us - (crappy thumbnails :L)

anyway, enjoy! 

1 comment:

  1. whoaaa cool! you posted this in the future!! XD lol it's still january 22nd here.
    those covers are amazing!! i wish i could do some mcr on the violin but i can never figure it out!! grrr so frustrating...
    anyway, hope you're enjoying the future! :D
