Sunday, January 8, 2012

oh, the times i've gotten away with passing music off for homework :)

yeah so anyway on numerous occasions i have used music as homework and it actually gave me a good overall mark!

one of my favourites was when i got to my suckish new class, they were studying fantasy (or something) and we were supposed to write about an antagonist (or "Bad Guy") from a fantasy book that we read. (i came into the class after they did Protagonist or "Good Guy" section.) So anyway i was at home thinking "Crap! i don't know what to do! i don't understand fantasy books!!!" and as usual i put on some music to calm me down. yeah so anyway, long story short, i watched the vid for My Chemical Romance's "Na Na Na", did some research on the song, looked up the definition of "Fantasy" and used the storyline from the music vid for my homework! the reason why i did it, was because apparently, the music vid is gonna be made into a comic book and a comic is technically a book. plus, Fantasy means "The faculty or activity of imagining things that are impossible." OK, now tell me what are the chances of an evil bald robot ruling the world and drastically changing the climate? almost none so the storyline IS fantasy. i doubt you're interested in reading my homework but here is what i wrote (and got an A for it i think) 

Antagonist 1:
Executive Korse. 
Executive Korse is the main boss of the industry “better living industries” often shortened to BL/ind which –unsurprisingly- spells BLIND. Of course every antagonist needs 3 things: motivation, an enemy (which is often the good guy) and a sidekick. In this case executive Korse has all 3 and then some.

Executive Korse’s motivation is to create a “perfect world” by brain-washing the younger and more vulnerable generation through cartoons and their parents. Of course no sane parent would agree to pass on what executive Korse sees as a perfect world but there’s where the catch comes in: they’re under medication. After BL/ind saved Earth from the fires of 2012 the world’s leaders handed over earth to BL/ind and that’s when the trouble started: some people didn’t want this “perfect world”. (The resistance force, AKA the “killjoys”.) In the second installment it is revealed that executive Korse is actually…

Executive Korse has many sidekicks…thousands of them in fact! His followers are referred as the Draculoids and is often seen wearing a white suit wearing a “savage vampire” mask. They act as his bodyguards and he has at least one or two with him everywhere he goes.
So the reason why I think executive Korse is the most evil is because he’s the cause of 3 major things:
1.     Party poison’s death (party poison = leader of the resistance force)
2.     End of the sane world
3.     Changing the climate

So in conclusion ever since Korse came into this world, it’s been nothing but the Killjoys and the resistance force keeping the world together.

umm.....ok reading that back i'm wondering WHY my teacher gave me an A. anyway that's all i wanted to post today so.....rock on! 

1 comment:

  1. omg killjoy homework!!! XD best thing ever!!! lol very nice!! i should try that sometime XD
    and i didn't know it was gonna be a comic book OMG REALLY EXCITED NOW!! lol :D
