Monday, January 9, 2012

sorry but probably only 2 people in the world will understand this post

look, guys, step one: SHUT THE HELL UP WILL YOU?! this happened over a month ago and you're still complaining! it's Summer so head out to Bondi or something and just stop complaining! Lu, you don't seem to be reading what you say and you're changing into what you hate. the world revolves around hate and you seem to be fuelling this madness. BOTH of you. i'm taking no-one's sides here and now i feel like crap. i have enough of my own problems and you come to me to solve something that has already been dusted. your words must feel tired saying the same thing over and over again. the reason why i'm so edgy but reasonable is because i play with fire. ok? i don't have some amazing mantra that lets me stay cool in the worst situations. i'm just a little kid who got struck by lightning. i take pleasures in the simple things. you don't understand that every precious word you spend arguing is a whole day lost in the world of time. no joke, i hate it. i don't care if you suddenly hate me for making this post but the world will just remember you as two girls arguing over something stupid. BOTH OF YOU. LIGHTEN UP. i know what started all of this and to be honest i'm just a little sad. yes, a certain person is really pessimistic and has no right to endanger somebody's life and should just try meditation sometime and yes, there's no reason why you should make 50mil+ reasons that don't even link up to the original reason as to why you are angry. both of you sound like broken records set on playback and no, it's not fun to the people around you. Lu says "You don't care about the people around you." but this IS not caring about the people around you. both of you. not just one. there are people dying everyday and you're both trapped in a bubble oblivious to what's going on around you. i've found where i belong and i faced a lot of hurt to get to the prize. i'm happy now so both of you, now find what you like that makes you happy and make it clear. stop this dumb argument and settle it with a thumb war. DONE! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Sorry i haven't spoken to you in a while! I'm in sydeny at the moment and i remember you were talking bout the harbor bridge all around the shopping centre i was like omg wouldn't it b cool if i ran into Luma or sound or gg rocks? But i really highly doubt that. :( also I've go to go and catch up with other people and stuff. So I've been flat out. Anyway how are you? I was at my local CD shop and stumbled across some my chemical albums and thought of you. Also how to you want me to send the tab? I could use email or in comments whatever you want! Also it's sad that you and your friend are fighting but take it from me. (I used to get in a fight with applejack everyday and we'd always be like ..... is so annoying I'm never gonna be friends with you again then it would be ok) yr 3 - 5/6 is always the year of fighting. Then high school you meet more people. Our group used to be the three girls (me applejack and m&m) and now's there's like 6 and most of my best mates are like 13 guys! This is getting long but see you around!
