Thursday, January 26, 2012


yeah ok this is gonna be a really short random post but first off let's start with the important ones:

GG DID YOU CHANGE YOU BLOG'S URL?! i can't read ANYTHING you type. it says "this blog does not exist." so can you comment me your new URL if you did change it?

on another note, Happy Australia Day.

i just played the main chunk of the song Thank You For The Venom (minus the intro and the solo) and now my left hand is stuck on guitar fingering mode and my fingers are just twitching as if they're fingering. it's creepy

my stomach had been constantly hurting ever since i woke up

school is starting in 3 days T_T

my teacher hates me so she will probably be really annoyed when i: randomly air guitar in class/write lyrics on my hand/write new songs in my notebook/play MCR songs on the ukulele (yes, it's possible and Na Na Na sounds REALLY good as a uke song)

saving up for a guitar-ulele which is a cross breed between a guitar and a ukulele so i can bring it to school and spread the joy of MCR on it. (lol) basically it's a small 6-stringed guitar that makes the sound of a uke.

the song cubicles is stuck in my head

i forgot what i had for breakfast but i'm having spaghetti for lunch

i grabbed the scissors out of the cupboard and randomly cut my hair again and this time it looks good.

and now i'm really hungry so i'm gonna go see if lunch is ready. bye!

~i feel a song coming on~

Keep the truth raw and ugly and sketch it on your heart if you have to.    
no one sees beyond the eyes of a monster because no one knows what they hold
they are afraid of the remaining light
and although the sun is out, in the eyes of many it only brings darkness  


  1. yeah she DID change it... i've stopped following

  2. Yeah I did and it is:
    And don't hate me for what I post about

    1. hahahahhahahhaha i hate you georgia ;) just kidding
