Saturday, February 4, 2012

random crap that's on my mind

ok so i just finished MURDERING Bring me to Life by Evanescence on my badly out of tune guitar (which i need to tune up) and i think i'm ready to post.

ok so the weird-to-some-normal-to-me stuff that's happened lately was:
  • i was reading Johnny The Homicidal Maniac comics online at school while drawing flowers for my homework. my teacher didn't care.
  • i ran into a door frame yesterday trying to get to the bathroom and probably damaged my face
  • the shadows that are always casting down over my face like a veil has slightly solidified 
  • i can spell "psychiatrists" without spell check (but i can't spell Luma without spell check XD) 
  • i accidentally predicted the future 
  • and last but not least, i look like a guy. 
the song "Fifth Period Massacre" has been stuck in my head prompting me to learn the meaning of the song.


i have no idea but according to the Internet, it's about a massacre done by a kid during 5th period o_O pretty straightforward title XD.

anyway this is day 2 (yeah this post was originally meant for yesterday, but i decided to save it as a draft) and i just got back from my guitar and singing lessons (scary, i accidentally spelt singing as sining again o.o) and my teacher is awesome 8D he asked for a few songs i'd like to learn and i said Bring me to Life and Thank you for the Venom and he played TYFTV at almost full blast with surround sound system in a fairly small room. my god, it was awesome. it was probably the equivalent to 4 or 5 computer speakers on full volume. mmmm. yummy for my ears. lol anyway i learnt the song Bring me to Life and it's really easy and Sasha (is that the dude spelling of the name?) can play by ear which is almost pretty much impossible for me. anyway, enough of the lessons, something smells really weird in this room....all of what happened in the day has really left me tired so i might practise 10min of guitar and go to sleep in case my Somniphobia and Nyctophobia  kicks in tonight. (that, in case you were wondering, is a fear of sleep. i'll explain in the next post.) 

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