Thursday, March 15, 2012

just a few things i wanna say

so anyway, today this morning my teacher got sick and went home and my class got split up to other classes. kinda sucked. all i did all day was read this book called "Zombies vs Unicorns" (i recommend EVERYONE to read it), did a little bit of maths and drew up some tabs on a blank sheet of paper to get better at writing guitar music. (this one girl was like "What kind of Maths is THAT?! hehe. she knows nothing about music.) the only thing i did in the afternoon was talk to this emo-ish guy named Michael who used to be in a lot of my classes. i reminded him about that time when he got that rash on his forehead that was shaped like a heart. 'twas a funny time...

so while i was waiting for my sister to come back from school and come to our little meeting spot, in went into the Asian food shop and bought a packet of 90c noodles (the 2 min kind.) it was the spiciest but most tasty Korean noodle i ever tasted. even if it was boiling hot after i added the hot water. my mouth was burning the first sip but i got used to it ^_^

soooooo....i recently found out that one of my favourite bands (Evanescence) made a new song around 2 and a half months ago and i was like "Holy crap. This is amazing." it really is good. it's called My Heart Is Broken but it's not sad or mopey. the vocals are (as usual) amazing. she's kinda....i dunno.....angry? it's hard to tell but there's heaps of Determination in her singing. kinda reminds me of that first time i sang for anyone other than myself and got rewarded with a giant hug from Jackson, a 23 year old who weighs like, 65kg (which is i think around 140 pounds? not 100% sure) who is an absolute skeleton. and he's almost 2 meters tall (he's also good with hugs :D) he's 'ma brother BTW. (his first reaction to the fact that if my mother dies, by law his mother - my Godmother - is my legal mother from then on: OH SWEET JESUS NO!!! :D) anyway here's the video:

also, aren't my friends nice? a few days ago my friend Ben gave me $2 for nothing. 'twas a nice gesture. kinda went toward the purchase of those noodles. my god, those noodles were yummy...but then again, wondering how Michael can eat those noodles because they were so spicy O_O.

Today we had this huge test and my friend Tre was pretty much pee-ing herself begging for me to let her listen to LeATHERMOUTH because she thought it was a song by....i dunno Kesha? (hate the fact that she has the $ replacing the S) i said no because then she'd give me a huge lecture about how crap my music was.  but then the song Fifth Period Massacre got stuck in my head and all i could think of during the writing thest were: "I went to dad's closet, picked up his .45/grabbed 3 boxed of bullets and on my hip it shall reside." that and: "Give me all your poison/give me all your pills/give me all your hopeless heart to make me ill" ANNDDDD..... "Her boyfriend's a dick/he brings a gun to school/ and he'd simply kick/my ass if he knew the truth." *Sigh* not really interested in what my score was. wait wait wait another line that was stuck in my head "  i finally found my smile, it's pure and blood stained./so who's the bitch now?/i'll paint the lockers with your brains" on the way to the test centre, we passed the music shop where i take my guitar lessons and i was like "nooooooo!*scratches car window* i wanna go inside! Sasha help meee!!!!!" mum's friend drove me there and her daughter was like O_O" 

that's all for today k? bye-ah! 


  1. dude I was the one who told you bout that song :) i don't believe i didn't realise that it was new :P that's kinda fail-ish (for me) also you know the kid that was reading the zombies vs unicorns book today at nsb? i saw him in westfield.

  2. wow i didn't know they made a video for that song XD it's pretty amazing haha i love that whole album
