Sunday, April 22, 2012

stuff that happened a few days ago.

ok, first off, i need food and lunch is ready so....*runs to table*
wow i actually forgot that i had this post. i've been gone for about an hour and something minutes...what to talk about....
on Thursday i went with my friends Tre and Simmy to go bowling (my sister tagged along as well) while our mums caught up and had coffee. the lanes were all booked put which sucked, the movies in the cinema weren't that great, so Tre suggested that we all (including our parents) went to this place called Pan Italia for lunch. i had a margarita pizza and a chocolate milkshake and although it was a little pricey, it tasted really really REALLY good. 

when we were done, Simmy had to go, so me, my sister Ace and Tre went to the place where i got my ears pierced (Lord of the Jewels) because they sell really awesome earrings and i wanted to show Tre in case she ever wanted to get something from there. i made a mental note for about 5 pairs of earrings that i want for my birthday. fake stretcher ones, these ones that look like a belly ring but they're not, black studs and this ring one that can pretty much be used anywhere. (nose, eyebrow, ears ect.) it took 5 min to convince Tre not to get these earrings (because they looked pretty crap and in my opinion it was a waste of money) and leave and after that we went to Tree of life because they're closing and everything's half price, so me and Ace bought these bandannas (i needed it to keep my hair out of my face but i think ace just bought it because they were the same ones in the Bangarang video) and Tre bought a ring that had a snake on it. we did some more stuff but i can't really remember because everything's a blur now. 

my head hurts. i need to go burn some more incense sticks. 

1 comment:

  1. simmy went too? cool :D i saw lord of the jewels the other day and was tempted to go in but the lady there looked scary. lol :D
