Friday, August 10, 2012

long post...i have a half hour to write EVERYTHING on my mind

ok so i apologise in advance for any mistakes that i might make because you would not believe how fast i'm trying to get this all down. i should slow down because when i type fast i type loud and my mum thinks that i'm just talking to my friend Luma on Gmail. which is mostly true but whatever. 

lately i've been having these weird mood swings because on Monday i felt sad (really really really sad) AND on Tuesday i felt neutral, Wednesday i felt like crap then this morning i had a fever. needed to take today of and my friend Mel didn't even notice that i was gone. on gmail she asked me "did you like my presentation?" so i had to break the news that i wasn't at school today to her. she was fairly shocked....pppfft *laughs* oh well this girl in my class called me an alien for liking horror movies/hard-rock and stuff like that because i recently introduced some of the boys in my class to a movie called The Human Centipede. me and a dude named Kev made jokes about going over to his place with Chwen and watching it while eating popcorn. then he googled the movie trailer, freaked out, said i had "hard guts" and said that he'd watch it when he was angry. (i'm thinking that he doesn't get scared when he's angry.) on another note, this dude in my Wednesday art class (not naming names) grabbed another dude's head and bashed it into a wall corner "as a joke" and the other guy started crying like you would not believe. i basically got pissed because i wasn't really in a good mood and i yelled at him "WHAT THE EFF IS WRONG WITH YOU?!." he didn't reply because another person got the art teacher and he was sent to the Deputy's office. because the real principal is a stuck up bitch who's always screwing up the school. i told her this once and she actually made my favourite teacher tell me to apologize to the principal. i don;t have anything against Ms.S because she was forced to tell me that but my hated of the principal went up higher....

lol i think i might've ruined the principal's rep a bit because when the minister for education came to the school i sang screamo and issues by MSI. bo-yah!

oh well moving on, me and my friends (well, the remainder that wasn't at dance practise) were at the school oval on...Tuesday i think and (i was neutral and when i'm neutral i say stuff i think i'm just saying in my head but in real life i say it out loud) this dude that was smoking was walking wayyyyy to close to the oval where innocent non-smoking angelic *supresses laughter* kids were playing soccer so i yelled at him before thinking "DUDE, IF YOU KEEP SMOKING YOU'RE GONNA GET CANCER." it made me laugh so hard and according to my friends, he shot me this slightly embarrassed/pissed look and kept on walking by. only this time faster. oohhhhh 15 minutes left for tying *grabs coffee and gets caffeine rush* after that incident me and another friend needed to go the the toilets and she asked whether i was worried that the guy i yelled at was gonna come and yell at me or bash my head in or something....i can't remember my reply. 

me feverish = 2 days off school. yay! but i still have to do homework so phoey. currently listening to the Evanescence cover of Heart-Shaped Box by Nirvana and it's pretty good, if not different. it gives me the impression of those cafes that have those stages and let people just get up and sing. that was a crap explanation but that's the only way i can describe it right now. also, me needs some help, random people that read my blog.

a few years ago, mainly around 2009 or so, there was this song by a band who's name i forgot and i also forgot the name and tune of the song, so i can't try and re-create it on guitar or anything. the only part about the song i remember is the music video. it was a fairly popular song, got played on the radio and everything but the clip went like this: the whole band woke up and they found that they were chained to this bomb in the snow that was timed to go off in 5 minutes or so and the chains were long enough on the people's legs so that they could walk around and try and find these keys that unlocked the chains. i think they found 2 keys, one worked on 2 and the other was solely for only one of the locks. in the end the singer was left chained up and he begged the rest of the band to run away and leave him so that they could live and not die in the explosion. 

ergh....slightly cliché i know but it was an amazingly good song, in my opinion. i really wanna hear that song again......if you think you might know what song that is, for the love of Brie Cheese TELL ME!!!! 

and then, i left you wonderful readers with my current favourite song. it's by an Australian called Pluto Jonez and if you think you've heard indie *cough-foster the people-cough* you have heard NOTHING until this song. the music video also shows some of the more suburban areas in Sydney. like the rocks. dat place is nice....the houses are so colourful and there's always a market there on the weekends, anyhow, enjoy the song.

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