Thursday, August 30, 2012


again....running outta good titles....THEY RELEASED THE VIDEO FOR PROFESSIONAL GRIEFERS!!! watch it, and watch it now: 
basically, the storyline is Deadmau5 and Gerard Way fighting for this championship title in this game where they basically control giant Mau5-Bots and see who's bot dies first. Gerard seems to be in the lead when this robot cat (or maybe it's a dog?) tears out the wire that connects his remote and the robot so he can't control his bot anymore and he looses :( i was kinda hoping that he'd win. oh well, epic music video anyways. 

today we had this rehearsal with around 3 different choirs (including my choir) and the school band for this performance we're gonna do in September. it was kinda loud and we were supposed to be singing the song Firework by Katy Perry, and although i'm not a huge fan of that song it could've been worse...i was trying to  sing my best but i think the fact that i've been listening to HEAPS of old music by The Smashing Pumpkins made my voice think we were singing rock and it wasn't really my greatest try....oh well. we have a few more rehearsals to practise on it. my friend Angie said i sounded good which was nice of her to say :) i also found this really funny picture-gif thingy that i'd like to share will 'yall. 
heh....that guy had a huge spasm. i sometimes wonder how people can do that. computer is running slow again. sorta annoying. back to normal now...yay.

today me and some of my friends were mucking around on the school oval not really doing anything (except Luma who was being a shrub) and i saw this piece of newspaper  from the travel section floating around near the gutter-ish place so i grabbed it and there was this REALLY pretty picture of a place in Italy or something  and me and my friends were just looking at it at saying stuff like "THAT IS SUCH AN AWESOME BOAT" which was fun........except for Dishi who was talking about Twilight again and thought that the paper was dirty -_-

on Tuesday i woke up feeling really dizzy so my mum said that we'd go to the doctors and i'd go to school after that which was fine by me. when we got there and i told the doc that i got really dizzy and headachey real often, he checked my BP (blood pressure) and found that it was lower than it should be. so i had to take a day off school. but, when he checked my records to see if i'd had that in the past, he found that i was supposed to get this blood test to check something he told me last time so i ended up having ANOTHER BLOOD TEST! they only took 2 vials this time which was alright i guess because i normally get 3 vials taken. i was looking at the needle to see when it would get into my skin (turns out it was already in but i got so used to the feel of a syringe i didn't feel it go in) and when i looked at my arm the blood was just going Whooooooshhhh......into the little vial. it was cool :) it gave me an idea of how fast the blood pumps in my body which was interesting. the blood in the vial also got kinda pink and frothy at the top which was cool as well :) oh well, there was something else i was gonna type but i can't remember it and Modern Family's on channel 10 so i wanna go watch the last 20min before it's done.

~your friendly neighbourhood mountain goat~


  1. I think they both lost in the music video....'cause Meowingtons did something with the cables and caused one of the mouse robot things to lose power and fall on top of everybody. Hence Gerard's epic "Mother of God" face at the end XD

    1. technically speaking, i think Deadmau5 won officially but kinda lost at the same time when the thing crashed on top of the audience. THOSE ROBOTS WERE REAL APPARENTLY! REAL!!!! sorry, had to say that :) umm....they actually play that song a lot on TV lately and yesterday when i was watching it i noticed that at the very start, there's that news headline thing at te bottom and it said "Mewingtons having a total recall on robot cats due to faulty memory chip" or something like that. sorta explains why the cat was pulling at the cables..
