Friday, August 31, 2012

you know, ever since i learnt about the BP stuff, i've been cursing my lack of salt

wait...did i mention that in the last post....yeah i mentioned the blood pressure stuff, anyway...

we did dance today at school, and although i'm thankful it was an individual dance, it was pretty annoying how i was thinking "damn, i hate this dance, why can't i get dizzy again and go to the office?" and as soon as we were done, i got dizzy. WHY COULDN'T I GET DIZZY DURING THE DANCE?! meh, can't control my body...except my friend Luma who can hold her pee in for 6 hours O_O don't ask....ugh, i have to stop cracking my neck or something bad'll happen. i just know it. on a good note, week's over :) WEEKEND TIME!!!!

while we had tennis today, me and my friend Leeshy (PEACHY!!!) were talking about our brothers, and she told me that her bro Josh told her that her laugh sounded like a duck. which reminded me of that day where Jackson said to me "you know, Mari, when you laugh it sound like someone's dying." nice. real nice. i think on that day he told me that "fact" when we were hugging and i got kinda ticklish and started laughing and....yeah i learnt how weird my laugh was :) on the way to the tennis court, i was walking with mah friend Angie and she put her hand on my shoulder and it slid down into my hand and for like, a microsecond we were holding hands and she got creeped out and blamed me. NO ANGIE, IN ACTUAL FACT YOU WERE HOLDING MY HAND, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. heh....i like holding people's hands, it's nice. and you can find out how fast their heart's beating. faaaaaaaaaaaacinating. 

i'm in the mood for peaches...not sure why. and my headphones broke which is plain annoying. 

i have nothing left to say really so i might just bid you all goodnight now. 

1 comment:

  1. dude, y didn't you just SIT OUT during the dance?! could have just said "i have really low blood pressure, even exercise could make me faint" then you could sit out with me :) lol, nooo i can hold my pee for 7 hours now :D lol you and angie holding hands... i can imagine that.... XD
    O_O your ear/headphones broke!? lol, my sister breaks a pair every month -_-
