Saturday, September 22, 2012

boredom...a disease affecting many


lately it seems that a lot of people prefer damaging their vision while staring at a computer screen all day than to actually be outside doing something productive. in a way, by doing the latter, it is still risky due to the inevitable fact of dying. i guess what i'm trying to say, is that nowhere is really "safe." the machines and computer systems that we hold on to so dear, the iPhone and iPod that we all have contain some sort of risk. the battery acid leaking onto your hands and skin, for example. if it gets infected there could be a hospital involved one way or another. blindness could come with watching TVs or computers all day and we could end up missing out on the world if we DO go blind. being outside could lead to being hit by various vehicles or being exposed to some sort of germ that could be hanging in the air. this could, in turn, kill us. anything can kill us but i think that humans have become so naive with the way that sciences are evolving that they think that they're invincible, that when they do get sick, a special medicine can just be pumped into them and then whoosh! they're better. in reality, it doesn't work that way. physical, and brain death are two very different ways of dying and not all can be treated with liquids and pills. the human body is quite fragile. i think this is what we're forgetting. although there has been numerous theories on death and philosophical debates surrounding death, its been tugged around quite a lot don't you think? i think if you were to look at death from a wider perspective, you'd find that something is like a helping hand to it. i use boredom as an example, and i state is as a disease. think of boredom as a temporary disease, actually. but a highly contagious one. if one is bored, then there's not much to do with this poor soul that has the disease, therefore YOU become bored and pass it onto another unsuspecting soul. 

the things that we could do while bored can lead to death quite quickly if you're not careful. eating while bored can kill you if you suddenly contain a clogged artery and suffer a heart-attack. if your blood pressure is too high or low and you collapse and can't be found fast enough. choking is a common one but still, people dismiss it as just another poor lad who died from eating fish and chips. in reality, boredom is a highly consequential human emotion. if someone decided to go outside and play basketball for example, they could end up drinking tea with death by thwacking their heads on the concrete courts and later becoming another statistic for brain haemorrhaging. from this i think that most can become paranoid, especially parents to young kids in this, so called, "Cotton Wool Generation." but (a-hah!) by protecting your kids to a point that they know no pleasure BUT boredom, they could end up somehow hurting themselves by experiencing a new activity. all in all, humans are extremely fragile animals, we can be broken real easily but not only material goods, but by ourselves and others as well.

i think people have forgotten this.
i hope that they remember

- XO Mountain Goat 

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