Sunday, September 16, 2012

CONVENTIONAL WEAPONS!!!! *head explodes, dies*


ok...if you couldn't read that i said "HOLY CRAP MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE MADE A HEAP OF SONGS BEFORE DANGER-DAYS THAT WERE NEVER RELEASED BUT THEY'RE RELEASING THEM NOW!!!!!" and pardon the gibberish in the end. hehe i only found this piece of info browsing a blog called Lab Rat ( and.....the owner of that blog follows mine, and Cassidy, sorry if that seems stalker-ish O_O anyway, mega excited about the new songs. they haven't made anything new in awhile (actually, in pretty much 2 years) and yeah :) you know, you really can't help but feel excited when a singer/band you like makes new music. it's like discovering them all over again. well. for some odd reason i feel like i should say how i found MCR's amazing genre of epic-ness.

there's a music channel in Australia called Channel [V] and they have this thing called "Ripe Clip of the Week" where you basically vote for your favourite new song online and it gets played on TV every day for a week at 6pm. for that week, it was Na Na Na by MCR.  i wanted to see the clip of the week was but my sister wanted to watch something else. i managed to wrestle the TV remote off her and i pretty much sat on it for the whole duration of the song. by the end i was just thinking "hey, that's a pretty catchy song." i tuned in for another 3 or so days before the week ended. for reasons unknown, i didn't Google the band or song or anything i just forgot about the band entirely. maybe...3 weeks later, the same channel was having a "Before vs After" playlist where they played old and new music from artists for the sake of nostalgia. it just so happened that they played the songs Helena and Welcome to the Black Parade and i was actually watching it with my mum so i remember her saying that she liked the songs, and to write them down to download later. thinking back, it's like fate drew a card and said "OK, Let's Introduce This Kid To REAL Music." i head House Of Wolves on another channel called Air Active and SING was the ripe clip of the week a few weeks later. the rest, they say, is history. 

there's a girl in my class who told me that she liked MCR, and i decided to lend her my Black Parade album out of nice-ness, but i later learned that, unfortunately, the girl only knew 3 songs and just thought that Gerard Way looked hot. she even told me that she didn't listen to the CD and was late to school because she was looking at this tiny picture of Gerard on the inside if the case for like, 5 minutes, therefore missing her train. gah....i don't like people like that. now, if you excuse me, a certain zombie needs to go make honey joys for a whole bunch of humans in her class for tomorrow. 

XO - Zombie Mountain Goat. 

please enjoy some EPIC Australian Music:


  1. oooh she has tumblr? dats coollll :D
    changed some stuff on my tumblr btw :) go see it again: theeres new stuffff haha :D
    which 3 songs does she know?

  2. YEAH CONVENTIONAL WEAPONS!!!!! I'm so excited hehe. But the first pair of songs doesn't come out till October 30th :(
    Also they're releasing "The World is Ugly"....I'm scared.
    Here's more details on the whole thing:

    1. oh jeez i'm scared too O_O. i hope that they're just releasing it for the sake of releasing it and they're not retiring. i'm not really a religious person or anything but lately i've just been like "Dear Jesus, i think i speak on behalf of me, Cassady, Luma, Angie and the rest of the MCRmy when i say, PLEASE DON'T LET THEM RETIRE! please don't let them quit, give us all at least another 5 years. Amen" sister Ace sees Conventional Weapons as a late birthday present from MCR because her Birthday is on the 1st of October :) my friend GG's birthday is actually on the 30th but she doesn't like MCR so...phoey :(
