Thursday, September 27, 2012

"forever cast into an ocean of sorrow, not even the deepest umbrella can help you now..."

the title is pretty much something my brain made up after seeing a drawing my friend did of a boy sitting in an umbrella. as can be expected, the umbrella was in the middle of a freaking ocean. genius....just, really...

oh so a quick update on all the random stuff going on...

pretty much hooked on the songs "Make It Bun Dem" by Skrillex and "This Song Is A Curse" by Frank Iero. i really wanna learn how to sing the 1st verse for This Song Is A Curse properly because it PERFECTLY describes my view on my school:
just find ways to cope with feelings you don't understand 
because no one really cares how you feel 
just as long as you act how everyone expects you to act.
you know it's actually sorta sad to think that this is how i feel about school. i'm not just some moody kid who hates school and thinks it sucks on the basis that i hate it, you know? the principal sucks, the government gave us heaps of money to use for resources but that stupid lady just spent the majority of it on really crap new classrooms and smart-boards, but what we really needed was a new computer lab for studying. sigh...some people, you know? 

i finally managed to play the song Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) on guitar properly. i'm not really good with finger plucking and stuff like that, especially when the song is actually quite fast so i feel like i achieved something insignificant but you know, general human brain stuff. i wouldn't really know since i am but a humble goat but whatever. goats feel pride too 'ya know :)

oh ok, going back into my human shell i just realised how tired i am. had some real bad nightmares last night. and the night before that i had this dream where i ate something gross and i ended up sick the next day. i have a theory it's on this new med i'm taking but apparently medications are good for you -_- nope, i highly doubt it. 

so anyway, gonna go back to writing that story and i'll see how it turns out. *GAHHHHH STOMACH EXPLODING*

XO - Mountain Goat. 

1 comment:

  1. I COULDNT AGREE MORE. OUR PRINCIPAL SUCCCCKKKKKSSSSSSS.... oh and yeah they did waste a lot of money on stuff. our school is getting too overcrowded -_- theres no room to do anything. oh and it seems i have an intolerance to crustaceans. rawrrr.... can't eat lobster and prawns and stuff :(
