Wednesday, September 26, 2012 really.

HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! they're here. yay :) oh well then, i haven't really got much planned, but i'm going out to the movies with my awesome, non-zombie Earthlings (that are way too cool to eat) on Wednesday 1st week and the Wednesday after i'm going in this pack of like, 8 other people to watch another movie. movies movies movies movies.....there's not much end. 

i get into this different head-space during the holidays so i'm probably gonna write a lot in my notebook. i'm working on this weird short - medium story about a girl named Prescription who has an older brother named Cake. basically, Prescription (nicknamed Prescript by Cake) turns up to school one day and finds out that Cake's best friend BB spray painted the walls with this huge mural of a dead boy lying on the ground with a girl tossing his heart over her shoulder and into the bin. BB, Cake and Prescript are all mutant hybrids of angels, devils and zombies even though they all look normal on the outside. Cake is 75% devil and 25% human, BB is 15% angel, 56% zombie and 29% human, and Prescript is 25% zombie, 22% angel, 33% devil, 10% human and 10% spirit, as in, she can detach herself from her body to inhabit others' bodies. basically they live under a set of rules from a secret government of Hybrids and the main rule is:

don't let the humans know we exist. in ANY way. 3 strikes is all you have, use them up and on the 4th we will kill you and make it look like an accident.

because Cake and Prescription are highly regarded in the underground government system, they were able to transfer their strike chances to BB who's constantly breaking the rules. he ended up using all 9 chances and on his 10th, the graffiti, they were gonna go kill him so the 3 of them (plus Cake's boyfriend Andy who is a human, and yeah Cake's gay) had to run away while being constantly chanced by the Hybrid's hit men. the only reason why they were gonna kill BB over the graffiti was because he scrawled his name and the 3 languages of the Hybrids around the mural, therefore indicating that they exist because no human can read it. also, in the story, Prescript has these twin guy friends that are hybrids with no strikes who inform the 4 when they're being chased by hit men. their names are Mercury and Aidan, with Aidan only having 1 leg. he uses a prosthetic left leg. the only way they both know where the hit men are is that they work in a building run by the Hybrid government so they often check on the hit men's process and text either of the 4 with the details. no-one suspects them of foul-play since they pretend to hate Prescript and her small gang. this is basically a little more info on the characters if you're interested.

Cake - Real name Jeph, 22 and a human devil. hated by Prescripts' (human) parents because they're not real brother and sister. 3 years before the story was set, he tried to commit suicide and needed a blood transfusion from Prescription. when it was done, they got a DNA test as a joke to see whether (because of the transfusion) it would say they were related. it did because Cake had this disease that morphs the DNA from others' onto his. because he isn't as mutated on the inside as Prescript or BB, he's amazingly handsome, often using this to get what he needs. it comes in handy many times in the story, working on women and occasionally, on men. homosexual, in relationship with a human named Andy.

Prescription - Real name Cause, 12 and a half with all 3 Hybrid mutations plus the Spirit Inhabit ability. spends a lot of time with Cake, much to her parents' annoyance. refers to Cakes' attempted suicide as "2009" and often gets angry or upset when it's mentioned by anyone in a disapproving manner. looks plain, but only in her human form. uses body possession rarely as it leaves her drained and tired. knew how to ride a motorcycle at age 7 and prefers Kawasaki as a brand over any other, but will happily ride anything. killer, and will kill anyone if she needs to without feeling any remorse. if it is someone she knows, she will instead erase their memory with her body possession ability and make them believe nothing ever happened.

BB - 26, although often mistaken for a 19 - 20 year old. Angel/Zombie Human with turquoise blue hair and a split tongue. mis-matched eyes, green and brown. works in a piercing/tattoo parlour and was piercing a girl's ears when the hit man attack happened. probably the closest to Prescript other than Cake. great at modifying and infusing anything with Hybrid powers. unique ability only he possess. crazy driver, and has a personality similar to Prescription so although they're close, they fight quite a bit. calm in moments of panic and can sing a frequency so high it makes your ears bleed. in essence, he is a troublemaker but with a clean police record in the human world. can paint amazing images with any form of colour and as a sign of respect, paints an arrow with the blood of the people he killed next to their hearts

Andy - only human in the group and Cake's boyfriend, 23. met when he was 14, started dating at 15 and ran away together at 16. has no parents that he can remember but knows they're still alive. best aim with a gun out of the four of them but often leaves the motorbike driving to Cake. most reasonable out of them all and uses logics and reason to weasel out of things. ex-acrobat and is still extremely flexible. genius in pyrotechnics, often using fire as his main weapon. loves Cake dearly and the two of them often have each other's back. more emotional than the rest due to the fact that he's a human. during the running away process, was the closest thing to a father Prescript had, and more than once has stolen cars to get away when separated from the group. blonde, with black eyes giving him a slightly alien appearance when he gets angry. although he has no mutations, is still better at physical fighting than BB or Cake.

you know i'm kinda way too tired to go on with the character profiles on the twins so i think i'll just keep writing short chapters in my notebook. when i get up to around chapter 5 i'm gonna start posting them on my blog.

XO - Mountain Goat. 


  1. My god....that was amazing!!! You should write more. Seriously. Also Cause is a cool name. Anyway, this should be made into a novel, or better yet, a graphic novel.

    1. hehe thanks for ze nice comments :) it's probably not as well-written as it could be but i'm still editing and working on some parts. i sorta have a small case of writer's block so i haven't done anything new for a few days...i'll get back to work when i feel like it :) also, i think it'll be really effective as a graphic novel but i can't draw people (only monsters)so i don't think there's much hope in that...

  2. O_O it sounds aweeeeeesssooommmmmeeee :D i must see when i get back from hk ok? :D keep writing!!! i wanna see it all :)hahah cakeeeee :) hmmm.... i could help draw? although i can't exactly draw the same thing twice and stuff.... :( oh wellllll
