Wednesday, October 3, 2012

chapter 1....i guess

i got like....121 page views last month... that's nothing. anyway, chapter 1 to that story i was writing. (set in the viewpoint of Prescription) 

Chapter 1 - POV Prescription 
This was the part i hated. The part i really really hated. Once Cake and i finished our urgent conversation, i had to find a really good excuse to get sent home. The problem was that i already had an excuse. I walked into the toilets, pulled out my knife and cut my tongue just enough to start bleeding. After that, I shoved my fingers down my throat, gagged and ran outside puking blood and the remains of breakfast all over the ground. It looked and tasted horrible, like acid and metal. Some prissy bitch from the "popular" group rushed over to me and made it out like i was dying or something. "OHMIGOD! CAUSE YOU'RE PUKING BLOOD!" was all i managed to hear her scream at an inhuman decibel before being sent to the office. When i got there, the woman with dark red hair was sitting at her desk. Dammit, i have to act polite don't i? "Excuse me miss," i said spilling blood from my mouth down my shirt and all over the carpet "Can you call my brother Jeph and tell him to come pick me up? i was sick on East Campus." I liked it when miss Red-Haired-Whatername was in charge because she never asked why i wanted Jeph to pick me up instead of my mum. At least that way i didn't have to murder her if she got suspicious. She looked sotra horrified when she saw my mouth was covered in blood but after a second she nodded and said rather calmly considering i looked like a zombie, "OK sweetie, what's his number?" I gave her his number and she replied with "Great. I'll give him a ring and you can go ahead up to the sick ward." I nodded, swallowed the pooling blood in my mouth and walked up the stairs leading to the room. I don't know what BB was thinking when he painted that mural, but i guess that was the point, for us to find out. 

Cake was telling the truth over the phone. He was there in 10 minutes with Andy filling out the release papers at the front desk. "Hey kiddo" Cake murmured into my shoulder when he hugged me. Cake reeked of cigarettes and cake, as usual. The girl in the bed next to mine - she looked as though she could be in grade 9 or so - stared at cake with her jaw dropped so far down i wouldn't have been surprised if it fell off. I didn't have to read her mind to see that she thought that Cake was hot. Idiot, if she knew half the monster Cake was, she'd be screaming by now. "Hi" i said to Cake before demanding "Seen it yet?" Cake sudden;y had this look on his face like he wanted to tear the next person he saw in half. it scared me a little but it disappeared as quick as it came. "Yeah, don't remind me. He's screwed when we find him" he growled. "Anyway," he added "Your Kawasaki's outside." I jumped up and grabbed my helmet out of his hands before running outside. "THE NINJA IS SO FUCKING MINE" i screamed when i saw which bikes he brought. I didn't realise Andy was already on the other bike - a Ducati - which meant that the ninja was, in fact, mine but he laughed and said "Not so sick not eh sweetie?" out of habit i stuck my tongue out at him and winced when he saw the cut i self-inflicted to get out of school. To shut him up before he asked, i snarled "i'm fine. now tell your "wonderful" boyfriend Cake to get his butt on the back of your bike NOW before i drive off without either of you." I walked over tot he ninja, shoved the keys in the ignition and drove off anyway. I was starting to get pissed at the whole situation. They caught up after a few minutes and when i looked over, Cake was using his hands to sign to me "Next stop, wherever the hell BB works." i sighed, and pointed ahead to warn him of the oncoming red light. He blinked and almost fell off when Andy braked at the stop. i groaned angrily and pulled up my visor. "Cake," i said trying to control the anger rising up in my stomach "you're an awesome brother, you're perfect at everything but you SUCK at being the passenger on a motorbike." Both of them laughed and 3 things seemed to cement themselves in my thoughts:

  1. why couldn't they see how serious this whole thing was?
  2. this would be kinda fun if it wasn't a possible life/death scenario
  3. Shit the light's green.
OH GOD FINALLY I'M DONE. that took ages to type up...especially since my notebook is so messy at some parts that i could barely read it. hehe....anyway i finished chapter 2 and half of 3 today since i decided to tear off my original chapter 2. i thought i made BB look too arrogant or something. anyhoo, enjoy

- XO Mountain Goat 

1 comment:

  1. ooohhhh its good :D i wanna read it straight from your notebook some time.. i wanna see how you plan stuff.. :D
