Tuesday, October 2, 2012


you know, last night i was tabbing the song "this song is a curse" out by ear and whereas most guitarists are like "PAPER! PAPER I NEED TO WRITE THIS DOWN!" when they're tabbing stuff out, i'm mostly say to myself "meh, play this a million times and see if i remember it tomorrow." heh....i just realised that was only one sentence. i can't be bothered tabbing the Bass lines out during the verses, someone else that actually plays bass can do that :) dammit...my sister keeps coming into the room and trying to see what i'm typing and although it's utter CRAP, i don't want anyone to see it you know? i'm actually just looking over my shoulder and typing at the same time. skills.....anyway i have decided (after much debate with myself) to post the prologue to that weirdo story i was talking about in an earlier post. the prologue is set as though you were looking at them but the rest is in the point of view of the character. so, for example if in the prologue it says something like "BB swore and shot the hit-man in the face before tearing his throat out" it would say "i swore, and shot a bullet into the hit-man right before tearing his throat out" and ect...just quickly, the prologue and the 1st chapter are kinda crap because when i first started writing, i had no idea what the storyline was gonna be. 2nd chapter onwards are better. i really got stuck into that whole zombie ambush motorbike running away stuff.

Prologue -
"ohhh crap" Prescription muttered to herself as she stepped into school. "BB" she thought "when i find you, you're so fucking dead." as if she could miss it. as if anyone could miss it. there, on the side of the brand new East campus building was another one of BB's "masterpiece" graffiti murals in all its spray-painted glory. Prescription pushed her way through the slowly growing crowd of gawking kids to get a better look. frozen onto the concrete walls of the building, was the image of a young boy lying dead on the ground with a girl throwing his bloodied heart over her shoulder and into a bin. it was extremely detailed and Prescription quite liked it but scrawled around the mural was the ancient language of the Hybrids, along with BB's signature. her heart froze. she knew exactly what it meant;
3 strikes and you're out.
Prescription pulled out her phone and dialled the only person that could help her: Cake.

Cake groaned when he realised his phone was ringing. he didn't want to get out if bed, not on his day off work but he knew if he didn't answer then he'd have to call back later. "Laziness," Cake said to his reflection in the mirror "is a disease affecting many." when he answered the phone, he heard the familiar sound of his little sister's voice. "Cake, fire up the Kawasakis, we need to pay our friend BB a visit." Cake never questioned his little sister. her hybrid mutations mean that she was smarter than her 12.5 and when she said something, he knew better than to question her motives. she explained the situation and Cake groaned. "On it." he replied "make an excuse to get sent home. punch a kid or puke or something. i'll be there in 10 minutes." "i could be in the office in 5. don't stall we need to go NOW." Cake grunted in reply and hung up. why a 22 year old let a 12 year old drive a motorbike, he didn't know himself but Prescription sounded frantic and angry so he grabbed 3 helmets and called his boyfriend Andy. when Andy picked up the phone Cake explained the situation in a rush and said "Andy, i need you at my place now, please, you me and Prescript need to find BB a safe place to hide." 

uhhh...ok i edited some bits from my notebook and stuff so it isn't 100% the same as my notebook. maybe 2% of it is different. the description of the mural changed because i thought that it didn't explain it well enough  so....yeah basically it's a piece of crap but i think i may post chapter 1 next time if random readers like it...

XO - Mountain Goat. 


  1. THAT. WAS. AWESOME. i still wanna see your notebook though... :D keep on going! post the next chapter. i wanna see it! whyyyy are you so good at writing? poetry, stories... EVERYTHINGGGG!!! you could become an author :D

  2. DUDE. AMAZING SO FAR. Personally, I'd love to read more. ^_^
