Saturday, October 6, 2012

chapter 2 because i have nothing else to post

yup...nothing eventful on my life so i hope you enjoy chapter 2....LUMA GETS FIRST DIBS ON NEW CHAPTERS xD heh Luma is my friend and one of my followers in case you were wondering....i send her emails with new chapters so....Luma don't bother reading this, you've seen it. chapter 2 is more well-written than chapter 1 i think, but at the end BB ends up loosing it and does stuff...READ MORE TO FIND OUT.

nah you don't have to but it'd be nice if you did :)

Chapter 2 - Point of View: BB
Eff. I really can't believe this lady is making her kid get her ears pierced. Can’t she see how much her daughter DIDN'T want to get her ears pierced? Whatever, a job's a job. Let’s see if I can get the kid to sit still and shut up. "Sweetie," I asked trying to make my voice sound NOT pissed "why don't you want to get your ears done?" before she could reply I felt the familiar burning sensation of a bullet lodging itself in my shoulder. Oh the irony. I just got my shoulder pierced. 

Something behind me smelt oddly sweet and trust me, I know Chanel perfume when I smell it. God, what were they learning in training these days? didn't they tell the Hybrid on the left "when shooting a zombie that works in a piercing salon, DO NOT wear perfume because he can smell you 12 meters away?" obviously she never got a heads up about THAT. 
I pitied her and her male companion because even an idiot could see I had to eat them. They were yelling something about hands and where they could see them but I wasn't listening. I was hungry and pissed and had no back-up so OF COURSE I was gonna eat them. Meh, no use in letting food go stale. 

i rushed at the Hybrid on the right aiming to claw his laser gun off his hands but the second one, wearing the Chanel, shot at me, hitting my left thigh. Damn, she could shoot. I veered to my left and punched her jaw, knocking her unconscious. Mr. guy-to-my-right was shooting me that whole time so I reverse-roundhouse kicked with my injured leg at him. Every wound that appeared healed and closed within 10 seconds. Perks of being a zombie, I guess. The kick connected with his shoulder and I heard a massive crunch as his shoulder broke. Damn, it sounded tasty and I kinda wanted to bone him but Miss. Chanel was awake again and shooting for my face. 
Why’d they always go for my face? I roared and lunged at her. 

“Heya Honey!" I screamed, my face covered with blood.
"You’re pretty fucking pretty but the pretty ones always taste like crap on the inside you know?" 
Too late she realized what I meant and I tore that pretty mask off her body.
It was gone down my throat in 7 seconds flat. I extended my black-painted nails and stabbed her hard through her heart. At least with a death like that she didn't have to live the rest of her life in pain.
Without a face. 

The man screamed in what sounded an awful lot like fear so I spun around, grabbed his head and jerked it sharply to the left, then right. His neck snapped and he died. 
Damn, was he shooting at me that whole time I was eating Miss Chanel? I’m getting better at this. 

Blergh...both of them tasted weird as hell. And they're not wearing masks like they normally are. Plus it didn't hurt as much when they shot me this time than when they shot me last time. Da fuck? They were using guns....not laser guns...THESE WERE HUMANS. That’s why the fight was over before it begun and...There’s blood all over the walls. Dripping bucket loads. They were staining my hands and stomach pretty and MOCKING ME. 

I lost it.

I picked up my piercing gun and screamed.

I finished off Miss Chanel and morphed into my true form.

Into a zombie. 

you have no idea how long it takes me to type this up T_T ages....especially since i'm not a very fast typer. dammit and chapter 3 has 2 notebook pages worth of story. anyway enjoy and it's Saturday so you know what that means.....RAIN!

XO - Mountain Goat. 

1 comment:

  1. Okay I am absolutely loving this story so far!! I love your take on zombies. Everyone else portrays them as mindless beings that only act on instinct, but yours are like vampires, or an even better example would be angels, in that they have "true forms and have plans and memories and loved ones and all that. I think BB may be my favorite character so far.
