Sunday, October 28, 2012

dun dun dun dah.....CHAPTER 3!

i realise that there's been a time gap between 2 and 3 but i just want to point out that Science isn't my best subject, and i didn't wanna get a bad mark for homework. there's a part of this chapter that may be kinda confusing but it's gonna be explained in chapter 4 as a bit of a flashback. then it's going to be Andy's point of view. chapter 3 is split into 3 parts, all told by Cake but i thought that it would be better for the main séance section to have it's own mini chapter. kinda. (for anyone who's reading this for the first time, Cake is a dude, not a lady.) 

Dear whatever God or Force rules the universe: please don't let the hitmen get there before us, and please don't let BB turn into the hulk if they ARE there. Amen and thanks in advance. 

Dear God/Force that ruled the universe: screw you, he's the hulk isn't he? 

The 3 of us arrived at Live Canvas, BB's 2nd "home" and what i saw raging inside was not my best friend; it was a monster. the air reeked like blood and at least 7 policemen were inside shooting and yelling at BB. On the outside, 3 lay dead surrounded by pools of their own blood. As distressing as the situation was, we hopped off our bikes and stormed inside. 
To my right was my sister Prescription. On my left, my boyfriend Andy. plus BB, we were as close as a family of 4 and if anyone tried to hurt us, they had more than "another thing coming." They had all the demons of hell, the angels of heaven, the zombies of the shadows and the humans of Earth hunting them down.
The police tried to stop us but Andy growled and punched the nearest one in the face, breaking what we later learned was the man's nose and part of his jaw. 

Without warning, Prescription morphed from a girl to the walking un-dead and leapt onto the back of the officer who was holding BB face down to the ground. With what looked like absolute ease, she pulled the officer off BB, pinned him to a wall and tore his chest open. Blood flew everywhere and i realised that Andy had managed to grab a gun off an officer and was shooting them as best he could. This whole thing was insane. Both of them....they weren't these kind of people.
I saw nothing but the shadows. 
Suddenly a red-haired police officer made a rush towards me and tackled me hard onto the ground. i conjured up all the shadows i could that were in the store to blast onto him. It felt horrible seeing and feeling dark strips of darkness forcing themselves into my mouth, up my arms and being absorbed into my body. 

i did it anyway.

I wanted nothing more at that moment to end his miserable excuse of a life. I forced my way off the ground, possessed the shadows through my veins and compelled them into my hands. Then, like a million times before, i shot him. I missed but i know that i did it on purpose. He fell anyway. When i walked over to him and checked to see the COD (cause of death) his face was pale. Like he froze to death. 

"Mum..." i crumpled to my knees and curled into a ball next to the officer's body. Part of me didn't want to cry but i ended up sobbing silently while my jacket was absorbing the blood on the ground. "Mum..." i blocked out all the chaos around me. "I know you're trying to protect me but i'm not...a kid anymore." I'm almost certain my voice cracked on the last sentence.
i was lying.
i knew i needed her.
"I don't need your ghost following me."
i stood up and said nothing.

"That makes 4 of them" i heard Prescription say beside me. How long had i been zoned out for? The fight was over.
"Can i eat them now?" she asked Andy, who, while i was miles away in Narnia, had killed 2 policemen with their own guns.
"Sure" i heard him reply. Laughing. I knew they were both joking. If they weren't i was going to make sure they were. 
Too many distractions. I couldn't hear her. "MUM" i screamed like some unholy demon from hell. 
i AM an unholy demon from hell.
From behind me i felt the cold presence i was longing to feel. "Yes Jeph? Or should i say Cake?" she asked. When i turned around, there was my mother. 19 when she died, death via my Cesarean birth, and if she were re-incarnated at that very moment, black hair blue eyes and all, we could've passed for twins. 
"Before you speak little man," she laughed at the face i made when she called me by THAT nickname, "you may want to tend to the woman and child in the back. They saw everything." 

My blood ran to ice. The 3 of us - minus BB who was finally starting to calm down - stared at each other in shock. "There was someone in the back?" Andy whimpered. Suddenly, he didn't look like the person who killed 2 policemen. He looked like a scared little kid who exploded a can of red "paint" and was terrified his mum would yell at him for getting it all over his face and clothes. i hated it when he looked like that. It always nearly made my heart crack into half a million tiny pieces. 
"I'm gonna go and calm BB down." Prescription whispered. Her voice was absolutely neutral. It was her version of fear. 

When she was gone i walked over to Andy, kissed his forehead and pulled him into a sticky, red and bloody hug. 

"We have to go and talk to the people in the back honey, you know that" i said to him gently. Andy was strong, but fragile. If i pushed him too much he could physically hurt me as bad as any Hybrid could. I learnt that the hard way and i still had the scars on my stomach to prove it. 
After around 30 seconds of hugging, he mumbled "Let's go" into my chest. We turned around, and when i held his hand and started walking to the back, i heard a gun go off behind us. 

I had 2 shadow orbs in my hands before i even turned around.

Suddenly Andy and i burst into fits of laughter.

BB was standing up with a glock in his hands, and was shrugging his shoulders dismissively. Back in his human form and back to normal. "Sorry," he mumbled. "I hate Taylor Swift that much." It occurred to us as soon as we turned around that he shot the speakers that were playing music. And, it just so happened that they were playing "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together." 
"Solution?" BB asked.
"Kill the DJ?" Prescription suggested. 
That made us all laugh even harder but me and Andy both knew what we had to do.

We walked into the back and stopped, sickened, when we saw it.

oh geez that took me ages to type. not to mention i had to have lunch halfway through writing this.
oh well, hope you enjoyed it. I'm gonna go eat some marshmallows now.

XO - Mountain Goat. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh so they're all zombies? Or just BB and Prescription?
