Friday, November 2, 2012

Farewell Rocketship......

the title of this post is a song by Children Collide which i already posted...sometime ago...not sure when but i did. it's my theme song right now, right after Boy Division by My Chemical Romance. 

and thus, the fan-girling began...

HOLY CRAP WHEN THE FIRST 2 CONVENTIONAL WEAPONS CAME OUT I WAS PUKING INVISIBLE RAINBOWS ALL AROUND THE SCHOOL. i mean really, the structure of the whole song is just so edgy and awesome and the lyrics make no sense at all but PERFECT sense at the same time and i really have no words to describe the level of awesomeness that those 2 songs contain but at this point i really don't want the world to end in December because then the rest can't come out and then in heaven (or the afterlife) i'm just gonna be all "NOOOOOOOO WHHHHHYYYYYYYY?!!!!!!!!" and yeah. :) llamas and shit. 

on another note, happy belated birthday to Frank Iero, he's gonna be one of my favourite guitarists. and Ray Toro and Billie Joe Armstrong and Billy Corgan and Rainbow general every guitarist in every one of my favourite bands. i can't choose :) sue me...

on a completely unrelated note to ANYTHING i just said, something smells like bread. and i like it. we had this "mini society meeting" where we got into groups and brainstormed "products" that we could "sell" to the other "members of the society." good god it makes it sound like a cult. i hate that. anyway there was this one part at the end where the 2 classes (my class and class K) had to go into class K's room and listen to this announcement that the 2 teachers had to make. it went on for around a half hour, it was boring, no-one was listening and for around 10 minutes, me and my friend "Ding Dong" were just pulling these faces at each other. time went MUCH faster after that. one part that sucked is that the teachers kept picking on these group of boys and there was this one dude who's nickname is Mangina (i realise how weird/wrong that sounds but he won't respond to anything except that so..), and he got mad. i could understand where he was coming in at because the teachers just assumed his group did nothing and had nothing to show. geez....they were actually trying to tell the 2 teachers what they had but both of them kept cutting Mangina off and saying "DON'T BE RUDE. DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT and DON'T TALK BACK TO A TEACHER LIKE THAT." ergh. oh well. 

my guitar is currently tuned down to C# because i'm supposed to be practising the song "One Step Closer" by Linkin Park for guitar. it kinda sucks because i can't play any songs set in standard tuning and around 95% of all the songs i know on guitar are set in standard tuning. veh. it'll change tomorrow. i really wanna learn Boy Division if we have time. if i do learn it, i gotta post a cover of it on this blog. 

ok so i leave now because my eyes are feeling kind of funny and that's pretty much a universal sign for "get off the computer." thank god it's Friday. the weekend awaits this goat :D

XO-Mountain Goat 

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