Tuesday, December 25, 2012

i finally got over writer's block and i now bring to you chapter 5 :D

before i start.......2 days ago i was on this ferry ride to Parramatta and this little 4 or 5 year old started talking to me and the first thing he said was "I've never seen an emo boy wearing a pink watch." basically he thought i was both an emo and a boy which proved an interesting conversation until his mum came over and kinda ruined it by telling the kid i was a girl. sigh....anyway, like the title says, I've had really bad writer's block for the past month and i finally managed to finish writing chapter 5. it's told in Andy's point of view and as a reminder, Andy is Cake's boyfriend.

we both stopped at the same time. I'm not sure whether Cake had the same reaction i did, but as soon as we stepped into the back room i reached a little from the unknown smell. a million causes as to what it might be flashed all at once in my head but only one stood out: dead mammal. 
Cake stared at me with this really worried look on his face and asked whether i was alright. 
after what happened last time i puked i didn't think he ever wanted to see me again, not with the way i hurt him but we held on.......
we recovered, played at saving the world a million times, cried in each other's arms a million more, but amazingly we still had enough time at the end of the day to fall asleep in each other's arms while watching invader ZIM.......
i took a deep breath and told him i was OK, because i was OK wasn't i? something must've shown on my face though because he held my hand and squeezed it a little in reassurance. 
"um.....Cake?" i asked. i knew i was about to ask a really dumb question but even so, i felt i needed to say it.
"what's that smell?" 
his face was beyond the normal "emo" white it normally was as soon as i asked. "Andy, please don't look" he begged me. 
Cake took possession of the shadows in the room and a flood of darkness made its way towards his back. suddenly, the shadows were black tentacles sprouting from his back, ready for his bidding whether he needed them now or later. all of this happened in a split second. he took possession of one of the tentacles and used it to open a cupboard i only just notices was leaking out half-black blood. out tumbled 2 bloody and beaten bodies; a girl and her mother. 
there was no mercy when whatever MONSTER of a being killed them. 
all we know is that it wasn't BB. 
Cake couldn't sense his DNA on any of the bodies. 
the arms and legs were broke, both their skulls were smashed to nothing and the girl's stomach and intestines were torn out and spilled everywhere. 
the smell got even worse. 
i puked, slipped on some of the blood (or whatever the hell the red slippery chunk of whatever was) and bashed my face against the floor when i fell. i didn't want to get up or open my eyes. the image of 2 mutilated faces was burnt into the back of my eyelids for the rest of my life. 
i reached with my eyes closed and puked a little more, only, it felt like nothing was coming out. when Cake  coaxed and helped me up off the ground and forced me to look at him, he was smiling.
but there was something wrong with his smile. 
it looked too tight.
like he was fighting an urge to both cry scream and tear his face off. 
"Andy," he said. 
"One minute you're killing to save my best friend and the next you're loosing your digestive sanity looking at 2 dead humans...."
he hugged me and said "i love you" but even then it took me forever to erase the memory of the girl and her mother out of my mind. Actually, to tell you the truth, they still haven't left me. without warning, the shadow tentacles Cake possessed earlier crept out of his back and made their way towards the bodies. 
"Don't look" he said and he covered my eyes with his hands. 
but me being me, i tore his hands from my face. 
one of his nails scratched my face and i winced, just in time to look up and see the pressure within the tentacles destroy any traces of the bodies ever being there.
i fought the urge to puke again and ran out of the room. Cake followed and we stepped into the main room.
"whoa.......well what's all this then?" Cake asked. 
he was smiling. 
BB and Prescription were hugging each other and for once, one wasn't trying to kill the other. impossible, amazing, but it was true. 
God i wouldn't have been surprised if a flying talking pig came into the room and said "Andddddyyyyyy..............i am your conscience and you're now deeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaddddd........." 
"Cake," BB said evenly. 
both of them suddenly had their poker faces on. i knew something was gonna happen. BB released Prescription from his hug and held up his hands like Cake had a gun pointed at him or something. 
"i know you're gonna get mad at me and i know as soon as i say this you're gonna rain your shadowy fists of fury on my ass and-"
"getting to the point please?" Cake asked.
"well, we feel it'd be best if-
"I'm coming with you guys" Prescription said. 
the 3 of us stared at her. 
what she said wasn't a question, it was a definite statement. 
she was coming.
end of story.
"yup. what she said," BB smiled.
now we all turned to look at Cake. Cake, who would die to protect his little sister. Cake, who once murdered 3 hybrids as revenge for beating her up and not only made it look like an accident, but never got caught.
"fuck you BB" he laughed. "i don't know what you told her, but when Prescript gets that look on her face there's no point in arguing with her." Cake swallowed and Prescription's phone rang. 
"Hullow" she said happily. 
the blood drained from her face. 
without a word she dropped her phone, ran to one of the motorbikes, kicked it into gear and rode away.

oh lawd.....that took me ages. anyway right now in Australia it's Christmas day and i just wanna wish my followers and whoever's reading this an awesome new year and a merry Christmas, or if you don't celebrate Christmas, just a great holiday season in general :D bye for now!

XOXO - (a very happy) Mountain Goat :D 

1 comment:

  1. i loved this bit, so much emotion and imagery. fantastic! when you described cake and andy snuggling and watching invader zim, i kinda fangirled inside and went AWWWWW THEY'RE TOO CUTE. also have i said how much i love the name prescription?? i love it to pieces.
    hope you had a nice holiday as well! ^_^
