Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dammit what's wrong with my lungs?

Lately i haven't been able to breathe properly. which absolutely sucks. there's a medicine that can make me better but i hid the prescription away somewhere my mum can't find it so she wouldn't buy it and force me to take it. i have a legit reason though:
  1. it tastes like absolute and utter SHIT 
  2. it kills off my white blood cells
  3. it makes me feel like i need to puke after taking it
  4. the stuff in it's real strong so i could get real sick if i accidentally OD by even 5.
so yeah. not taking the medicine. which now makes me think off all the medical stuff i've been through:

  • operations
  • tubes being stuck up my arms and veins
  • more tubes
  • injections
  • bone scans 
  • X-rays 
  • ultrasounds 
  • 7+ blood tests (i lost count)
  • pills
  • more pills
  • various coloured liquids
  • creams
  • foods with special medicine in it.
i think it's fair to say i don't want to add "Potentially Deadly, Orally Ingested Liquids" to the list. hell, i haven't even told my mum meat makes me feel sick so she won't take me to the doctors and get me checked even more. whenever we have meat for dinner i just eat all my other food first and just say i'm full when i have to get to the meat. or, if dinner's steak or something i just eat it and face the music when i have to. 

ugh......i feel like i need to sleep for a few years and wake up in 2014 or something when i feel like waking up. either that or keep writing in my notebook. 

ok........on a happier note, it's almost Christmas :) i was thinking about how Australians celebrate Christmas so i made a list of key features. (i realise most of this post's been lists but if you wanna sue me or something for it, fire at will.)

Australian Christmas:
  1. Summer.
  2. Family barbecues. (BBQs consisting of meat, sausages and salads)
  3. Going to the beach.
  4. Beach soccer/cricket/basically any sport.
  5. going outside and blasting the music as loud as you want.
  6. Sunshine :D
  7. Ice creams.
  8. Smoothies.
  9. 6 week holiday
  10. Basically anything and everything that has to do with the outdoors
to sum it up, the beach, sunshine, warmth and a good outside BBQ.

it's awesome. there's also fireworks on darling harbour and the harbour bridge that are just amazing :D it looks like someone set the bridge on fire with multi-coloured flames or something and just wanted to kill it. 

oh well. dinnertime. 

XOXO - Mountain Goat 

1 comment:

  1. hm december holidays spent in the summer sounds lovely for a change. it's so freaking cold in salt lake right now. and polluted 'cause of inversion. yuck.
    that list of medical things you've had done gave me anxiety. i hate hospitals, i hate tubes and iv's, i hate medication, just yuck, i'm so sorry. it must be super scary sometimes.
    sending you lots of positive and healing energy from the united states, namaste, xcassady <3
