Monday, January 21, 2013


hallelujah i have time to type! anyhow, i realise i could've made this chapter longer since there feels like a gap in (what is in my notebook) page 2 but veh. it is what it is so enjoy the gibberish from my head. 

C7 - POV: Cake. 
After Prescription ran out on us, and after the incident in the back room, the next hour or so went by in a blur.
the 3 of us stared at each other and i was the firs to break the silence. "We have to go after her," i said. without another word Andy grabbed my hand and we both ran outside. BB kicked his motorbike to life and i hopped onto mine, with Andy sitting in the passenger seat behind me. I saw BB inhale, his eyes turned black, and i knew he managed to catch Prescript's scent above all the dead bodies and exhaust coming from the cars around us. "This way," he said and sped ahead of us. 
I felt Andy wrap his arms around my waist, and for a second it almost felt like we were at home again; half asleep, pretending to watch TV and not needing to say anything to tell each other everything. 
something told me it was gonna be a long time before that happened again. 
i shuddered, squeezed his hand and made a mental promise that i'd never let anyone hurt him. i sped after BB, not letting any cars some between me and him, and we ended up ignoring countless red lights before we saw a familiar white Kawasaki ahead of us. 
the only family i had left in the world who still loved me. 
i overtook BB and drove beside her. when she saw me and nodded once, that was the signal for all of us to pull over. 
"Prescript why the hell'd you run out on us like that?!" BB asked. "Remember that phone call i got before i left?" Prescription retorted. she pulled off her helmet and rubbed her forehead. "Well, that was Aiden. HQ wants us dead. all of us. and as much as it kills me to say this, they want you gone as well, Andy." she finished. 
Suddenly i felt dizzy. No-way they'd want Andy. No way they were getting him either. "There's gotta be a mistake," i said. i wanted more than anything at that moment for Prescript to smile and say she was kidding. even if it was a cruel joke, it was better than it being true. but no, she was telling the truth. "I'm sorry. i want it to be a mistake as well. but it's not." she said. "We need to go, somewhere, anywhere. anywhere but here..." she trailed off and the 4 of us stood there on the side of the highway. 
the reality of everything hit me in the face and i threw my arms around Andy and held him as tight as i could without crushing his ribs. "I swear to you, i'm never letting them take you away from me" i told him. i felt him shaking all over. i tangled my fingers in his hair and made him look at me. "Understand?" i asked. he nodded and i kissed his forehead before turning around and heading back to my motorbike where Prescript and BB were already waiting for us. 
"Andy are you ok?" Prescription asked. he was still shaking but it wasn't as bad as before. "Yeah, don't worry I'm fine. just a little cold." he replied. he smiled tightly and looked at his feet. 
Prescription looked concerned for a second before telling us; "right, getting our stories straight, there's a whole bunch of people after us who'll happily shoot us all dead and face the music later. in a situation where there's fighting, Cake and i can afford to get away fast by unfolding our wings and just flying away. BB and Andy, you don't have that luxury. BB, you can afford mass body damage when you're in your zombie form because of the rate you heal at. and then of course, there's the fact that you're a master at hand to hand combat and also the fact that you can just eat everyone you hate." 
we all laughed a little. "Hey, in case you're forgetting, you're a zombie as well" BB added with a slight chuckle. Prescription smiled and continued. 
"Andy. don't think i've never seen you in action either. you're handy with a gun and i saw what you did to those escaped mental patients a few years back that wanted to attack you. one stone to the head with a slingshot and your target was dead." 
"Years of practise" he said, and this time, he genuinely smiled. 
"If we get separated, where do we head to?" i asked. She sighed and i realised how hard this must be on her. BB realised it as well. "How about Broken Hill?" he suggested. 
Prescription smiled. "Nice, but only if we get separated." she said. "So," she said putting on her helmet again. "next stop, God know's where. if we get separated, the rendezvous point's Broken Hill ok? as far away from here as possible." 
"got it," BB replied putting on his helmet as well. 
i turned to Andy to tell him one last time; "Whatever happens, i promise i'll keep you safe ok? Don't worry, just trust me." "Cake," he said looking me dead in the eyes. "since when did i not trust you? you're my own guardian angel." 
he hugged me and i told him sadly "I'm not an angel anymore. my wings turned black when i tried to kill myself remember?" he didn't say anything but hugged me harder. 
when we looked up the others were gone. 
Whether it was to give us time to talk, or just because they got impatient, i never found out but there was still one thing i needed to ask Andy. 
"Are you ready for the rest of our lives?" i asked. 
"Affirmative" he answered. 
and with that.
we left our normal lives behind.

i have a feeling that if i ever stop writing this story on my blog it's gonna be because i got sick of typing it all up. hehe....anyway i need to go to the library to go pick up some books. have a nice day!

XOXO - Renee.

(i realise i'm no longer a mountain goat. that part of me died a few days ago when the heat got so intense i melted inside my own fleece :) 

1 comment:

  1. haha and so renee sheds her winter coat.
    this chapter was so cute!! also very sad...the whole bit about cake's wings turning black...i about cried.
