Friday, January 25, 2013

oh the weird things i do in Targets....

yesterday my mum took me clothes shopping which was a bad move since 
  1. i hate clothes shopping
  2. i hate clothes shopping
  3. i had my phone with me (which has music in it)
so the natural thing to do to defeat boredom was for me to horribly damage my eardrums in the future by shoving the earphones in my ears, which i did. then, "Let's Kill Tonight" by Panic! at the Disco popped up in the shuffle playlist so i lost all interest in the clothes and started dancing up and down the aisles of targets. on top of that i was half singing half screaming the chorus (which is, for all who've never heard the song, "let's kill tonight, kill tonight, show them all you're not the ordinary type.") i had my eyes closed and was praying all the surrounding peasants (see, this is what tumblr's done to me) would get the hell out of my way and when i opened my eyes there was this store clerk guy just standing there with this look on his face like "should i be concerned about this, or just back away before she stabs me?" 

i wonder what it'll look like to anyone watching the security camera footage. 

anyway, school starts up in less than a week now. and at my new school this year (it's an all girl's school) the only thing you're allowed to wear is a dress, unless you have sports then you can wear the shorts and T-shirt that is the sport uniform. the thing that sucks is that you're not allowed to wear the sports uniform unless you're actually in sports and at my old school i used to wear the boy's uniform since i hate dresses. but since it's an all girls school, obviously i can't do that. which i think is horrible. anyway at least i don't have long hair anymore. i'd hate to look like a girl.............

last night i was chatting with my friend luma on gmail, and i was telling her about the thing that happened in targets and i had one of those flashbacks where you can remember everything in extreme detail so i went ahead and remembered this; 

when i was around 3 or 4, i was kinda short so i was prone to hitting my head on stuff. a lot. one time in target's my mum was looking for something (i think it was shirt or a jumper) and i hit my head really hard on one of the racks, and it was right in that sensitive area around the back/middle of your head. for 3 or 4 year old me, it was one of the most excruciating things i'd ever felt so i started screaming and crying and i ran away and somehow ended up hiding in the men's section of clothes. i was still crying really hard and some people tried to help me but you know how little kids are always being told not to talk to strangers, and i was a kid who was told that so i used to kick and scream at the people who were trying to help me. this lady with the brightest red lipstick (funny, that's one of the few things i remember about her) i've ever seen tried to help me but i kicked out at her so she called her son over to talk to me since i guess she thought i'd trust him instead of her. i think the guy was around 13 or something but when he came over the first thing he said to me was "Don't wanna be an American idiot." now admit it, when we were kids, whenever we heard a "swear" we'd all shut up and be all "dayum he/she said a swear" and i was no different. when i shut up, the boy crouched down on his knees and started singing the song a little more and eventually i let him rub my head a little to make the pain go away. then he was like "can i pick you up off the ground? the floor's dirty and your mum's not gonna be happy when she finds you." so i let him pick me up and i started pulling at his hair (since that was something i did a lot as a kid) and one of the things i remember most about that guy was
  1. he had black hair and green freaking eyes (how often do you see that?)
  2. and he was the one who introduced me to Green Day (pretty much)
pretty cool how stuff works out isn't it? 3 or 4 year old me hears a 13 year old singing green day and years later i'm now a huge fan. 

oh wait i forgot to mention the boy's mum found my mum in the end but i was so tired from crying i think i fell asleep 2 minutes after mum took me from the boy. heh. i woke up on the couch around 2 hours later.

welp, enough from me. 
i might go see whether there's a re-run of yesterday's supernatural (which i missed because mum wanted me to get new clothes -_-) or something. goodbye.

XOXO - Renee. 

1 comment:

  1. aww that story of little toddler you is adorable. that's a really cute story about getting into green day haha, you should tell that to your grandchildren. ^_^
