Thursday, January 17, 2013

"I'll throw my arms around you darling, And we'll turn to ashes drown me in the flames"

that line, i swear, has been echoing inside my head for the past three hours. 

i've been pretty happy for the past 2 days since i got a mobile 2 days ago. i don't really get much in terms of material goods so i think i'm allowed to say i'm pretty pumped. 

in other news, half the nation of Australia is on fire. the area i live in isn't at risk of developing any bushfires thank god but only a week ago there were roughly 150 major bushfires burning just in New South Wales. what really makes me angry is that a week ago the temperature was 42 degrees Celsius (more or less 114 degrees Fahrenheit) and people were purposely lighting fires in the bush to create more fires. ugh. society...i don't understand you. not one bit. 

anyway i wish i could say i did something interesting over the past few days but really, all i do in the holidays is condemn myself to the computer :) also, i've gotten no weird mood swings which i'm hoping is a good sign but hey, who knows? my few days of a stable mood could be the path towards a full on mental meltdown or something........where did that idea come from anyway? 

a few days ago i decorated the back of my guitar with a whole bunch of pictures i printed off tumblr and to be honest it looks awesome :D i'll see if i can get a picture onto here or something later since it's dark and that'd probably look pretty bad as a picture. 

one thing i've really been hooked on lately is the design and function of those traps you see in the SAW movies. it might sound kinda morbid but you have to admit that the way they'd build then if they were real would be pretty cool. if we were in medieval times it'd be a good method of execution.........haha ok i'm starting to sound like a murderer or something. 

anyway my head's starting to pound like it does when i'm on the computer at night time so i might just end this post now and bid all you reading this a good night and sweet dreams. 

1 comment:

  1. damn fires, that sounds so scary! also 114 degrees, jesus. the hottest it gets here is like 100. stay hydrated!!!!
    also the saw movies. everytime i think about them i feel sick. like i've never seen them or anything (nor do i want to haha) but i agree, who ever designed that stuff must have been a genius. a really sick genius, but a genius nonetheless.
    anyway, have a good day/night/whatevs. keep out of the heat, stay safe, and namaste! ^_^
