Thursday, January 17, 2013


not really gonna bother with an intro but as a head's up this is an introductory chapter for 2 characters who are gonna play a huge part in the story's future. there's also a different writing style since these guys are twins and i didn't feel like making 2 different chapters for them. anyway, enjoy while i go get some medicine for my currently aching stomach.

14 year old Aiden sat at his office desk staring blankly at his computer screen. he hadn't blinked in over 3 minutes and he knew it was gonna burn like hell when he eventually had to start blinking again. "It's just another day at the office" he murmured to the youtube video of a man trying to break the world record for "Most times kicked in balls."

Out of nowhere a fist connected painfully with Aiden's jaw. "Aiden for what is probably the 50th time i've said this, QUIT QUOTING FORM THE OFFICE." Mercury, Aiden's older twin brother of 4 minutes stood above Aiden's office desk with an unimpressed look on his (normally happy) face. 
If there were 2 things people knew about him it was that he hated the TV show "The Office" and the people he hated the most in the world were Cake and Prescription. 

The only Hybrids who knew the latter was a lie was Aiden, Prescript, BB and Cake. 

"Geez, fine, i won't. Happy?" Aiden growled rubbing his jaw. 
"Yeah, you know that" Mercury replied turning away. 
Without warning Aiden tacked Mercury to the ground and pinned his hands beside his face. 
"Dude, do you realise how awkward this looks to everyone right now?" Mercury asked. "Your face is no more than 5 centimetres away from mine." 
Mercury grinned and bit Aiden's neck, flipped him over and sat on his chest. "I WIN" he laughed. He stood up and offered Aiden a hand off the ground. 
"Ergh, to you realise how much my neck is burning?" Aiden asked.
"Mmmm......sorry about that little brother. Is it nearly healed or do you need some help?"

They made their way to the Cafe situated near the back of Hybrid HQ. Even though they were only 14, Aiden and Mercury had been working at Hybrid HQ for nearly a year and were listed as missing persons by the AFP. 

The reason this was, was because after accidentally killing a girl using shadows and gravity, and being caught by human police, the Hybrid government decided it was too risky to let them wander amongst humans, should the police find and re-capture them. 
So, they lived. 
Amongst other Hybrids and earned their keep working 8 hour office jobs in the HQ. Not that Aiden ever did his work anyway.

"Mercury, the LAST time you asked me that question i had a laceration on my lip and when i answered affirmative you fucking kissed me to make it better" he answered. 
"The point is, the shadows did their job and closed the wound," Mercury replied with a suppressed grin, remembering the memory. 
"Dude, let me say it again since i don't think you grasp how traumatized you left me: YOU KISSED ME ON THE LIPS AND I HAD MY MOUTH OPEN WHICH, QUITE FRANKLY, WAS ONE OF THE MOST  HORRIFYING EXPERIENCES OF MY LIFE." 
"Aiden, drop it, it happened last year for god's sake and go get some tacos before lunch break's over" Mercury said sitting at one of the cafe tables.

5 minutes later Aiden came back to the table Mercury was sitting at with a plate of nachos.
"They were all out of tacos or something." he explained with a shrug. 
"No problem. Just as long as we have enough time to eat i'm in." 

They got around halfway through the plate before an alarm went off overhead and an enormous holographic image of Cake, BB, Andy and Prescription appeared in the sky. a second later an audio stating a supposed crime could be heard along with the words "We currently have these fugitives on death warrant so if you have any information regarding their whereabouts please contact the soldiers helping to keep crime at bay. without anything else to say, we hope you have a pleasant afternoon!" 

Without a word Aiden and Mercury abandoned their food and ran back to their apartment in a panic.
"Aiden, call Prescription. Tell her they've got them on death warrant and asked what happened. i don't care what the announcement said, they're not the kind of people to kill for pleasure." 
"Got it," Aiden replied. "what are you gonna do?" he asked, watching Mercury put on his jacket. 
"I'm gonna go back to work and talk to Lucifer.......see how much i can get out of him." he replied. Aiden nodded and picked up the phone. it rang 3 times before Prescription answered it. 

"Prescript, it's me, Aiden. wherever you are now, it's not safe. find a place to hide the government are after you and they want all of you dead."

geez. i finally finished typing that eh? :) i have another 2 chapters done already so i might see if i can type those up before school starts. i've had the song "Props & Mayhem" by Pierce the Veil on repeat for ages and oh sweet jesus it's just a beautiful song when you pay attention to the song as a whole. especially the lines "Burst into Flames, Scream in the dark! I'm gonna light up this place and die in Beautiful Stars!" and "So dance if it moves you, Jump in the fire. If it burns you I'll throw my arms around you darling, And we'll Turn to Ashes, Drown me in the Flames
anyway. dinnertime :D goodnight all and i hope for a better tomorrow. 

XOXO - Mountain Goat 

1 comment:

  1. i have a 14 year old brother named aidan. 0_0 creepy.....
    kidding haha, loved this bit. i seem to remember you mentioning the character mercury before, but not in this, i can't remember when it was though.
    ooooo "props & mayhem" is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! :D glad you like it!
