Monday, April 15, 2013

i pinky swear this post has sanity in it

if i had to describe the mood i was in last night it'd probably have to be a line from a Johnny The Homicidal Maniac comic where Johnny says "IT'S OK. I'M ALRIGHT. I THINK MY SPINE HAS EXPLODED BUT I'M FINE." or something like that. either way i had an episode so let us all laugh it away with creaming soda. (i hate that shit but most people seem to like it so oh well.) 

i finally found out what sort of dog our mechanic has living at the garage. 
it's a Staffordshire Bull Terrier X Pit Bull. 2 of the deadliest dog breeds, when trained to be bad, but I swear she's the friendliest dog I know. very often she just comes up to me and sits at my feet for a pat or a tummy rub or something and I end up getting motor oil all over my hands but who cares? the dog's epic. it understands 4 languages. (English, Spanish, Korean and something else but I forgot.) ahh I wish I had a dog like that.

it's the school holidays right now in Australia and any day now, I swear the skater boys are gonna come back to ride on the roads and piss the shit out of all the drivers during the process. 
i remember once there was this huge swarm of them and their girlfriends and for some reason they all brought what looked like orange juice to share around. 
it was kinda funny but dad got royally pissed and honked the horn to tell them to piss off as loud as the horn could manage which pissed me off to no end since he knew i had a headache. 
eurgh, i need a panadol. 

spooky's coming to pieces, i am sad about that.
I WAS PROMISED A YEAR AND GOT 7 WEEKS, i am sad about that.
Sempiternal came out, and i am freaking stoked. 
my hair looks like shit, i need a freaking haircut.

yesterday my sister and i were walking around some of the shopping centres and we ended up in K-mart for some reason and i saw a pair of what were probably skinny jeans and i need to go back there tomorrow and buy them. damn they'd look good on me but there's always that question of "will they fit on me." either way they're blue. i like blue. 


did i have breakfast thing morning? yeah i think so. did i have lunch? i think so....

my friends all want to be social these school holidays which is a new thing to me since I'm always forgetting dates. part of me thinks that they all sent emails to each other saying OH YEAH SURE LETS JUST PLAN ALL OF THESE THINGS WITHIN A FEW DAYS OF EACH OTHER AND SEE WHETHER RENEE REMEMBERS THEM. 
if they did I'll personally kill all of them. 
i have friends in places i can get to them so i guess i won't be friendless if the majority of them are dead. 
eurgh jeez what's all this talk about death all of a sudden...
anyway so they all planned these things within a few days of the other which is more than a little confusing. this Friday I'm going to my friend Melissa's place and she wants us all to bring nail polish and stuff so we can do each other's nails or something. this is a huge problem for me though since:
  • i freaking suck at nail polish. i don't do designs. one colour coat and i call it a day
  • I'm far from girly so i may loose interest and end up playing on my phone, which as i am aware, is rude.
the very next day, I'm going skateboarding and shooting some basketball hoops with Georgia, Angie, Luma and Alisha. and exactly a week after that we're all going to Angie's place to have a BBQ. since I'm partial vegetarian (meaning that i still eat fish and the occasional small piece of chicken) Angie has promised spring rolls and sushi.
i fucking LOVE both of them.
wish me luck to remember all these dates and times because i sure as hell am gonna end up arriving late to all of them.

I'm not sure how long this post is getting but on a final note, i tuned down my guitar to A# the other day and taught myself how to play Shadow Moses by Bring Me The Horizon. it's kinda simple but very fast. i learnt that song, and Evil Angel by Breaking Benjamin. both are kick-ass to play with the amplifier up loud. 
i also broke a string on the acoustic guitar and dad was more than a bit pissed so also wish me luck with that situation. 

ah well, i think i might go see if luma or cassady or anyone's online because I'm bored and haven't talked to either of them in awhile. that and my head hurts.

XO - Renee. 

1 comment:

  1. ahhh sorry i haven't been online in a few days. i got sick, so i've mostly been sleeping haha. also i haven't been on blogger as much as i thought. so my bad. well your holidays sound fun, i hope you enjoy yourself. omg i wanna learn how to play "shadow moses" so bad. it would sound awesome on violin. i think. i dunno. certainly not as badass. anyway. i'm gonna read the other posts i've missed haha. toodles.
