Friday, September 16, 2011


first let's get something straight: Luma is my friend + follower and she asked me to send her something which because i'm too lazy to go to Hotmail and type it up, i'm gonna past it here. she'll read it.

but first let me post a little something that's been on my mind:
you know typing this up i'm using the new blogger design (i kinda forgot the real name but you know what i'm talking about) and it's REALLLLY different to the old one. it's kinda confusing because i'm so used to the old one and right now i'm trying to look for the thing that says "edit posts" because i was typing one from yesterday and now i can't find it. well, we'll make it a lost post but i'll try and find it. you know a few days ago i was on Shirley Marr's (she's my favourite author) blog (Life on Marrs | Shirley Marr's Blog) and i dropped a message congratulating her because her debut book Fury was gonna be published in German and i asked if she could come take a look at my blog and she did :) the best. mmm ...can smell the pizza in the oven. weird how we pronounce the word "pizza" "Petes-a" English is truly the weirdest language...

anyway back tot he thing i originally came on for, remember at lunch i was talking about that song "Welcome to the Black Parade"? you asked me to send it too you but i'm too lazy it is!
Welcome to the Black Parade (aka: the five of us are dying)


  1. yeah ur rite i did read it. and no englis is not the hardest language to learn it has been scientifically proven by Professor Luma that CHINESE is the hardest language. ur songs are a bit too screamo for my liking though

  2. WTH?! HOW IS THIS SCREAMO. IT MADE ONE GIRL IN MY CLASS CRY! IT'S A FREAKING ROCK BALLAD OF COURSE IT'S GONNA BE LOUD. crap i just realised the caps was on -_- suckish but no english is harder

  3. lol now i change my mind. your taste in music is quite OK not too different from the type i like :)
